Dont do this to me

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* Elle's POV*

"Elle" a voice mumbled from behind me. Fuck fuck fuck fuck!! I knew it was him. I missed his voice. I slowly turned around to see him in a pair of jeans, a superdry jumper and his glasses. I'd give anything to pounce on him right now. Elle you twat stop.

I froze and said it. "Hi" only after it I realised I was all shaky. Seriously? Hi? Kill me now!

* Nathan's POV *


God even when she sounded shaky I wanted to kiss her so bad. But now it was awkward. Well done Nath...

"How are you?" I asked. What a stupid question. "How'd you think?" She said leaning against the counter. I hated when she became sassy It made it harder for me not to grab her. I didn't say anything and just looked down. "Where did you go?" I asked looking up before I realised she was gone. God Elle.

I went in and saw she wasn't with the boys. The fuck? I slowly went upstairs to her room to hear her singing on her guitar. Her voice was perfect when she sang. She sang with such emotion and she enjoyed it so much. I leaned against we bedroom door.

'Give me love like her,

Cause' lately I've been waking up alone'

Elle don't do this to me. I could tell she was crying. I hate seeing her upset because she's the most happy person I know. But now she's not and it's all my fault.

'And that I'd fight my corner,

Maybe tonight I'll call ya,

After my blood,

Turns into alcohol,

Now I just want to hold yaa'

I'd give anything to hold her again. Even for a second. I could feel the tears in my eyes. I knew this is the only way she could let her true feelings out and this is what they were.

'Give a little time to me we'll burn this out,

We'll play hide-and-seek to turn this around,

All I want is the taste that your lips allow,

My my my my

Give me love'

I could feel my chest hurting. This isn't how it was suppose to be. She's suppose to move on and find someone else and be happy.

'Give me love like never before,

Cause lately I've been craving more,

And it's been a while but,

I still feel the samee'

I couldn't do it anymore. I turned around to go to my room when I found the boys staring at me. They saw the tears in my eyes. "You alright mate?" Max asked. "What you doing?" Tom asked. Fuck a duck. " I'm just listening to her sing" I said as I stormed up to my room.

Jay came in and sat down opposite me. "Mate, this isn't right" he said. "I know this fucking isn't right! I let go the love of my life to protect her but all I've done is hurt her even more! You don't know how hard it is to pretend you don't love someone when you really do! I can't let him hurt her again mate ...." I screamed. I held my face in my hands. "What's going on?" I heard Tom say. Shit. Me and Jay looked at each other before I said. "Okay but you can't tell anyone".

* Elle's POV *

I sang give me love. It felt relieved I had let it out. But I was still upset. I'm such a twat. He was about to say something to me and I ran out of the room. It was hard facing him again. I just needed to forget about it.

I grabbed my bag and went for the door. "Oi! where you going?" Seev asked. "Erm shop" I said opening the door. "Okay be back soon" he smiled.

I went straight for the local bar. I kept my huddy down and walked in. "Can I have a beer and two shots please" I asked. "Sure love" he said.

Soon enough I had my beer and went for the shots. "This is to you Nath" I mumbled throwing it back. Ugh I hated shots. I downed the other one and felt tipsy. But it felt good. I was kinda happy.

"Hey lovely" a voice came from behind me. "Hiya" I slurred. "You alone tonight?" he asked. "Unfortunately" I sighed. "Well how about I make you feel better?" he asked. I was to drunk to notice what he was talking about.

Suddenly his lips were on mine. It felt bad. They weren't Nathan's. He kissed me passionately but this was just full on force. But it made me feel wanted. Like I meant something so I didn't stop. He stopped and pulled me into the bathroom...... Then I can't remember... What the fuck is wrong with me?

* Nathan's POV *

We told Tom everything. Now two people know. Great. I headed down stairs before I heard Max. "Lads where's Elle?" , "she went to the shop I thought?" Siva said. "That was like an hour ago Seev" Max defended. "Shit" Tom mumbled. "Call Scooter" I said. "Why? He's in fucking America he can't do anything?!" Max sassed. "I'll call her" he sighed. No answer after the tenth time. Elle where are you?

We eventually gave up and thought of calling the police. But then someone came through the door. Elle. Thank god.

She stumbled through the door with her bag hanging off her as she hit the floor. "Fuck" I said running over to her. "I don't feel well" she mumbled. I could smell the alcohol off her. I brought her into the sitting room and she soon fell asleep.

Max lifted her up and brought her up to bed. I did this to her. She could have gotten into trouble, or gotten hurt or worse. I watched him carry her upstairs as I thought.

That's my job. She's mine.

What are we going to do about them huh? Nathan is trying his best to act like he doesn't have feelings but Elle is starting to hate the fact he left her :( Next chapter they go to America so keep reading! Drama to come in the next few chapters guys! Please tell me what you think! ~Ellen x

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