Love me again

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* Elle's POV *

We arrived back in America that evening. It was a bit too soon for me. We got home and we both went to bed. Before I knew it I was just down stairs. I went and took a bottle of vodka from the fridge. I sat down by the pool and let my feet hang into it. I started to drink from the bottle and wash it back.

It was the only way I didn't feel the pain of it anymore. I soon fell asleep beside the pool.


I woke up to noises from inside. My head was killing me but I couldn't remember what happened. I walked in. "Where were you?" Max asked. Nathan looked up at me realising I came through the back. "I fell asleep outside" I said walking upstairs.

* Nathan's POV *

This couldn't happen again. I don't want her beating herself up like this then washing it away so she can't remember. She went upstairs before me and Max walked outside. "Fuck sake" I said. "What?" Max asked. "The whole vodka bottles empty" I said holding it up. "Jesus Christ" he mumbled.

We still loved each other. But we aren't together. I made a promise to her dad and I was going to keep it.

I walked upstairs to find her in her room. Drinking again. "Elle what are you doing?" I yelled. "Like you care" she sassed. "Of course I care!" I shouted back. I grabbed the bottle and threw it in the bin. "Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because I can" she yelled. "You can't make yourself forget it" I said. "I made a promise to your dad Elle and I'm keeping it" I mumbled. "I love you" I said. "No you don't" she yelled. I jumped with shock. "You just feel guilty because he's dead and you didn't keep your promise! You don't love me! You just feel so much pity towards me because my life is so fucked up! I've loved you since the day I met you!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. She broke down and fell to the ground.

I couldn't move even though I wanted to help her. She was drunk but was that the truth? Did she actually think that? I could deal with it before I stormed out of her room. "Woah mate what's going on?" Jay asked bumping into me. "She's just pissed" I said.

I just sat down in my room and thought through everything. I knew that I loved her. I always will. I didn't know whether to help her and try win her back or help and leave her be.

But the truth is I don't think I could see her with someone else.

Before I knew it tears were falling down my cheeks. Fuck sake. I sniffled and wiped them away.

I went down stairs and we all went out. Elle didn't come. I don't even think we invited her. I met some fans and went to the beach. It reminded me the first time me and Elle were officially dating in public. I leaned in and kissed her. She got freaked out but then realised it. I wanted to let people know she was mine again.

* Elle's POV *

I woke up again on my bedroom floor. What is wrong with me? I started to remember what just happened. I can't believe I said that. I didn't mean any of it. Except that I've loved him forever. That was true. I was just angry.

I walked down stairs before I realised everyone must have gone out. I stayed and watched Netflix for hours.

I wanted Nathan back. I wanted him to be with me again. To protect me and love me. But apart of me thought he would just hurt me again.

*Flashback *

"Elle seems to be the only one dressed" he joked. "Yeah I am because you all take so bloody long" I said sticking out my tongue. "Well actually I just have to get dressed" he defended" , "as you can seen the youngest members are the most mature" he said putting his arm around me. He pulled me in tight so our cheeks were touching, the camera still on us. We both grinned like idiots to the camera."What's our ship name?" He asked. "Ethan or Nelle" I smiled. "I like Nelle" he grinned and pulled me close again.

* end of flashback*

That was before we were dating. I just sat their smiling thinking about it.

"Allo allo allo" Jay said in a weird voice walking in. They're back. Crap. "Hello" I said normally. "You okay?" he asked. "Yeah grand just watching telly" I said. "I mean with everything Elle" he said. "I didn't mean what I said jay I was drunk I didn't even know I said it" I mumbled. "He knows that babe it just hurt him" he said kissing my forehead.

Everyone came in and sat down in the couch. It was amazing outside so I went out and started reading my book.

The sun was heating my skin before a shadow interrupted me. "Ah come on outta my light" I joked but then I felt all embarrassed realising who it was. He sat down beside me. "Is that book good?" he asked. "I don't know I haven't really been paying attention to it" I said. He chuckled.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean any of it except for the very last part" I sighed. He looked up and smiled at me. "I just don't like seeing up like that, why do you do it?" He asked. "It gets rid of the pain" I confessed. "But it can't make you forget them" he sighed. I knew that I just liked to forget them for a while. "I know" I sighed back.

"You know you don't want to be with me but I really do love you" he said looking at me. He was shaking. He probably used all his balls up saying that. "Of course I want to be with you but I can't right now" I said. He leaned his head closer to mine. "I love you too" I whispered against his lips as they touched mine.

It felt amazing. Like fireworks exploding on my mouth. The kiss got deeper as climbed on top of me. He pinned my hands back and kissed down my neck to my tummy. I let out a gasp as he kissed me again .....

* Nathan's POV *

We were lying on the grass with a blanket over us. I've practically lost all my clothes. We can't be fuck buddies she means more then that to me. She got up and got dressed before winking at me and running upstairs.

Tonight we were going to a premiere so we getting all dressed up. All us lads were in suits. Tonight I decided to quiff my hair up. We waited on the girls before they walked down the stairs.

She looked like a queen. Her hair was curly. Different but I liked it. She wore a black strapless dress with red heels. I knew Kelsey probably made her wear them she hates wearing heels. Her lips were red and her eyes were beautiful. The same ones I got lost in.

She walked down. We got in the car before we arrived. We walked down the carpet as people took pictures. We started to take individual ones and then pairs and group ones. Music came to my ears when I heard. "Elle can we get you and Nathan together please?" he asked. She wobbled over to me. "You okay there?" I laughed. "I'm never wearing these again" she moaned. I laughed it off. I put my arm around her waist and she turned her self towards me. Our faces nearly touching.

We walked in and watched the movie but to be honest I was paying more attention to her.

I just want her back.

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