Chapter 13

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After all the drama, Grace and I went into the room Niall and I shared and got ready for the party. We decided to be twin in a funny way...

I wore a superman crop top, red high waisted shorts, and superman converse.

Grace wore a batman crop top, yellow high waisted shorts, and batman converse.

We both put our hair in ponytails. I had a Superman bow, and grace had, you guessed it, a Batman bow.

We put on foundation, blush, eyeliner, and mascara. Tonight wouldn't matter. We were staying home, we weren't planning on going anywhere.

We came downstairs and the boys all wolf whistled at us. We both laughed and called them stupid. I went over to Niall and gave him a big hug

"I hope you don't mind, Lou got shots and stuff." Niall mentioned

"It's cool, we are planning on going to Starbucks!" Grace and I both squealed. We love there fraps. Especially on hot nights.

"Don't drink so much Harry" grace looked over and pointed at him. Harry had a beer in his hand and he held it for a second, and then just dropped it in the trash and sat back down and smiled innocently.

We all laughed at his stupidness.

Then the doorbell rang.

Niall opened the door and let in

Perrie Eleanor and Sophia.

"You must be Grace!" Perrie pulled me in for a hug, "and you must be Grace also?" She laughed

"Zayn and Liam usually call me Evelyn since it's my middle name and I guess they like it?" Grace laughed.

We all hugged and introduced ourselves and we were on our way to starbucks. Perrie, Eleanor nor Sophia even said hi to their boyfriends. It was funny how they were so excited for Starbucks and how determined they were to get it

"By the time we get home Our boyfriends will be straight up drunk" I laughed.

"Mhmm lou is weird when he is" Eleanor said.

We went through the drive through and I got a vanilla frappé. It was hot outside!

By the time we got back to Niall's' flat. The boys were drunk except for Zayn and Liam. They only took only a shot apparently and wen't so fond of drinking anyway. Niall was acting like he was really mad. I wanted to avoid him...

"Hey baby" Harry yelled at Grace

"Hi bæ!" She yelled as she ran over and jumped onto him as he held her on his hips and kissed her

"Where is my hello?" Niall yelled at me.

"Sorry, hi baby." I walked over and gave him a quick hug.

"Really? What the hell? That's all I get from you? Go upstairs. I need to talk to you." He glared at me and slurred his words. I had my phone on my and I looked at Liam nervously, giving him a sign to stay close by.

I hope he got the message.

I sat upstairs nervously on his bed. I heard footsteps and froze. Niall walked in the door.

I could faintly hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I prayed it was Liam.

"Why didn't you say hi" he slurred

"Niall babe you are really drunk. Please go to bed or let me leave" I tried to get passed him but he pushed me onto the bed, and I backed away, he held me down and hit me.

Niall hit me.

I started crying.

"Shutup!" He hit me again.

"LIAM!" I yelled blocking myself.

The door slammed open and Liam threw Niall off of me and picked me up. I sobbed into his shoulder. My neck was bruised from where Niall punched me twice. He walked down the stairs with him carrying me.

He sat me down on the couch and I was shaking with fear... I couldn't help but replay the moments In my head...


She was shaking with fear, everyone tried to comfort her. But she didn't stop shaking.

Zayn came in, "Grace, are you oka-"

"I'll stop crying! Don't hurt me!" She whisper shouted.

"I would never hurt you, grace! Everything is okay." Zayn tried to help but she shook more.

I cradled her in my arms until she fell asleep. I let go of her and went to bed on the couch across.

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