Chapter 25

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"Grace..." I heard Niall mumble. "It's 6:00pm, we are late" he winked at me and put his hands on my sides and pulled me closer.

I groaned in pain when he squeezed my stitches from where I was stabbed.

"Niall!!! Ow!" I whined holding my side. I flipped up the top he gave me to make sure blood didn't get on it. Not a drop. But I broke another stitch.

Well. Technically Niall did...

"Oh I'm so sorry babe! Let's go get you cleaned up." He picked me up and brought me to the toilet and sat me on it while he did the same thing as last time.

Wiped the blood clean and put bandaids on it. I thanked him and ran downstairs to get his keys to leave for the show.

I got a text from Louis.

From Louis-

Where are you

To Louis-

Leaving now. Be there in 15.

(It was already 6:15pm)

From Louis-

Make it 10 : )

I didn't respond and Niall came down.

"Let's go!" I said before he took the keys.

"I'm driving!" He yelled

"But I had the keys fir-"

"I called it!" He smirked as we jumped into the car off to the concert.


By the time we arrived it was 6:31pm and I felt bad for Niall.

HE got in trouble with management, HE got in trouble with hair and makeup, HE got in trouble with the choreographer, HE got in trouble with the clothing people.

All for being late an hour late.

When it was all my fault he was late.

This was going to be our last show and then we were going back to London. Thank goodness. I just wanted to be at Niall's flat.

When we got back we were all returning to our own flats.

Although, I was really happy to hear Harry was getting a penthouse next to Niall's penthouse.

I was glad we were going to be Grace I were going to be neighbors so I could at least walk over for girl time or if something happened between Niall and I.

I felt arms come around me. Not Niall's. I saw the arrow tattoo.

"Hey Liam." I said smiling.

"So why did you make Niall late, huh?" He turned me around and I crossed my arms.

"How'd you know?" I asked pouting.

"I can just tell with Niall when it's not his fault with something. He usually just takes it or zones out. He doesn't want to get you and Grace in trouble." He said seriously.

I smiled and thought about the words to say.

"Niall and I got tired so we both laid down on his bed and I told him we should just be late and we fell asleep." I said hanging my head.

Thanks for the guilt trip, Liam.

"Well, okay. We just won't tell-"

"Management. I know." I sighed. Liam smirked at me and gave me a cute hug not returning the favor. I kept my arms crossed.

I hated feeling guilty. It brought me down. I felt mad at Liam for doing that, but guilt was stronger to me. I say there thinking.... And thinking.... And thinking....

"Hello Love! Let's go in the break room!" I heard Niallers accent behind me. I just sighed. It made me feel worse.

"Hey, princess, what's wrong?" He came over and put his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder.

"I feel bad how I made you late. I'm glad I had alone time with you, but I still feel bad for making you late and getting you in trouble." I sighed again.

"Awwh babe! Don't feel bad please, it really is okay." He said the last part looking into my eyes.

I started to think about it. This can't ruin my life. I'm about to sing with 5 boys, one being my boyfriend. Millions Of Girls would kill to be me.

Niall smiled. I retuned the favor and he pulled me up into a hug. We broke the hug and I looked at my phone.


"Niall! We have to be on stage on 5 minutes!" I said

Niall cussed under his breath and we ran to the stage where the boys were waiting for their cue. The fans were loud as hell as we listened to our cue for the show tonight.

The boys ran on first.

"GOOD EVENING PARIEEE!!!" Louis yelled as the fans screamed.

They started 'I would' and we came in towards the end.

We walked on singing

"Would he hold you when you're feeling low, baby you should know that I would, I would, I would..." The fans went crazy

"Hello my crazy mofos!" Niall yelled.

"Niall, language." I giggled over the microphone. The crowd cheered and laughed.

This was gonna be fun. : )

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