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One day. All I asked for was one good day. And what do I get? A horse teacher. Would you like some elaboration on that? Well so would I.

The day started out normal enough. I broke into my loving "father's" home. Notice the quotes around father, he's technically not my dad, he's my foster dad and if you can't tell I hate his guts. Why stay? Well it's better than sleeping on the park bench in the rain, which I have experienced first hand. Plus, he's got food. Best. Motivation. Ever.

He had changed the lock again so I wouldn't get in but he's going to have to try harder than that. I had spent the night roaming the streets so I hadn't come to the house that night.

    I walked in and checked the fridge for breakfast. Jackpot. I grabbed two Ziplock bags from the drawers and stuffed peanut butter in one of them. I chopped up an apple and put the slices in another bag.

      I went into my room and found it redecorated. Well they had been busy. The sheets had been changed from green to pink. The walls were covered with posters. The floor had a different carpet color. Looks like my room had been given away to one of my foster sisters. I checked the drawers. My clothes had been taken out. At least my brush was still there. I brushed my hair quickly and looked down at the hairbrush. It was full of blonde hairs which meant my bratty little foster sister had used my brush again. I carefully took out all of her nasty DNA and put my brush down.

      I didn't look anything like my foster family. They had blonde hair, I had black. They had brown eyes, mine were green. I didn't belong here . They constantly left to do who knows what. They always left me alone but I didn't care.

  "What are you doing here?" Delilah's voice broke into my thoughts.

  "I live here dummy." I answered. "Did you forget again?"

    I wasn't scared of Delilah. Sure she was three years older but that girl couldn't scare a bunny. She was a few inches taller than me with a slim face and bushy eyebrows. She wasn't pretty at all but she thought she was all that. She was a real jerk and hung out with the "popular crowd" up at the high school. She was the perfect example of a cliche cheerleader.

"Well, dad's gonna freak when he finds out you broke into the house again" she said.

"Well tell him if he doesn't want me picking his locks, to stop changing them." I said, imitating her voice.

"Whatever." Delilah marched into the bathroom.

Picking locks came easy to me. I had robbed a few gas stations for food sometimes. Sometimes those gas stations were closed and sometimes I had a bobby pin handy. Who says T.V. rots your brain?

I picked up my book bag. I hesitated. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror.

"I promise." I whispered to myself.

I walked out the door and looked back. I didn't know at the time but that would be the last time I entered that house.

   On my way to school I ate my breakfast. Yes, my apple slices and peanut butter was my breakfast. And to answer your second question, yes, it was delicious.

I'd love to say that I crumpled up my bag and threw it in the garbage from ten feet away cause I'm that awesome. I was more like ten inches away and I still missed.

I picked it up and threw it away. I know most people would've just left it there but I liked nature. Sure, this is New York, no one picks up their trash but I at least tried to keep the environment clean. I grew a flower once and when it bloomed it was so pretty but then some idiot peed on it and it died. That's just the type of luck I have. From that day on, I've tried to keep it clean.

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