Paradise is Kind of Rude

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        We entered the large building and we all audibly gasped. Gorgeous was an understatement.

     The walls were festooned with gorgeous Greek scenery. There were water tubes running along the ceilings, connecting at random points. Fountains and hot tubs scattered all around the luxurious place. A statue of a horse stood at the epicenter of the commotion and Percy turned to face me with a smile that immediately dissipated.

    He wasn't looking at me, he was staring at a blank space above me and I knew exactly who he was looking for. Tyson loved horses. Percy suddenly looked like he was going to be sick.

    "Percy, are you okay?" Annabeth asked. Percy nodded a little too quickly in response. We both knew he was lying but we let it go.

    As we headed towards a big spiraling staircase, I realized that I had only seen women at the spa. Women of all ages and the workers seemed to also be all female. I decided to not dwell on it.

    At the top of the staircase, huge double doors spread open, welcoming us in.

      I could hear a sweet voice singing in a language I didn't recognize, but for some reason understood. It soothed me a little to hear that voice.

      One of the walls was made completely out of windows and another completely out of mirrors. The room seemed way too big. Furniture was scattered in an organized fashion, making the room seem a bit more welcoming. The only thing out of place was a ratty cage full of guinea pigs. It seemed old and all the pets inside seemed frustrated. Their squealing wasn't a pleasant noise.

     My attention was drawn away from the guinea pigs beca I had found the source of the singing.

    It was a beautiful lady who held a loom the size of a flat screen. She weaved a waterfall scene that seemed to be a portal to the actual location. It was so beautifully real.

    "It's beautiful," Annabeth awed, speaking your thoughts.

    "You appreciate weaving, my dear?" the woman asked.

     "Oh, yes, ma'am!" Annabeth said. "My mother is-"

     She stopped herself. You couldn't really go around announcing that your mother was a Greek goddess without getting a few funny looks. Even I was still having trouble processing it.

    The woman ignored the unfinished sentence.

    "You have good taste, my dear. I'm so glad you've come. My name is C.C."

    "I'm Annabeth," she said, smiling. I wasn't sure telling her our real names was a good idea but Annabeth took the initiative.

   "These are my friends, Percy and Cassidy."

    We waved awkwardly and C.C. got up and walked towards Percy with a disapproving look.

   "Oh, dear, you really do need my help," she said.

    "Ma'am?" Percy looked slightly hurt.

     "Hylla, take the girls on a tour, will you? Show them what we have available. The clothing will need to change. And the hair, my goodness. We will do a full image consultation after I've spoken with this young gentleman."

    "What's wrong with my hair?" Annabeth asked, looking slightly offended herself.

    C.C. smiled reassuringly. "My dear, you are lovely. Really! But you're not showing off yourself or your talents at all. So much wasted potential!"


   "Well, surely you're not happy the way you are! My goodness, there's not a single person who is. But don't worry. Cassidy, don't you think you could use some work on your physical appearance?"

    "Yes," I answered immediately. I felt the answer slip my mouth without my meaning to. I don't know why but I had the urge to please her.

      Annabeth's eyes glowed with longing. There was an awkward silence, broken by Annabeth.

    "Well, what about Percy?"

    "Oh, definitely," C.C. said, giving him a sad look. "Percy requires my personal attention. He needs much more work than you two."

    Percy looked down and his face looked like he'd done something. Suddenly I felt angry at C.C. for making him feel that way.

    "Why?" I asked.

    "My dear," she said, her smile not faltering. "There are some things in the beauty world that only a guru of the highest standards, such as myself, can understand."

     "Well..." Annabeth said. "I suppose..."

      Hylla led us out the room and away from C.C.

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