Tin Can Attack!!

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*DISCLAIMER* from this point forward there will be direct quotes from Rick Riordan's books

    I ran out the door with Travis to see what was going on. Chiron said he was on his way.

I had no idea how to use a sword but if they needed my help I would give it to them.

"What's border activity?" I asked Travis. I looked back. "Why isn't Chiron coming?"

"He..." Travis hesitated. "He has to pack."

"For what?" I demanded. "He's leaving?"

"He has to, Cas. You'll understand later."

I wanted to understand now. But the blond kid was right. There was trouble.

There were two bulls attacking a bunch of kids in armor. As I ran closer I could see that they weren't just any bulls. They were metal bulls. I was sure I had read a story about them. What were they called. Can bulls? No. Carrier bulls? Nope. I decided I'd figure it out later.

The bulls had the shape and size of a regular living bull. They looked strong and the weapons did little damage to the bulls, if a kid could even bother to get a strike. It had glowing ruby eyes that somehow looked angry. Worst of all, it breathed fire. The weirdest thing was I saw three kids running towards the bulls from the other side. Maybe they were other demigods coming to see their beloved camp. Then saw camp was a temporary rodeo.

"Stay back." Travis said. "We're trained, you're not." I wanted to help but that was the first time since I got there that Travis sounded serious. Did he actually care for me? Did he actually want me to be safe? Stop it. I told myself You'll only make it worse.

I pulled the sea shell charm out of the hilt of the sword where it had embedded itself. It shrunk back to a bracelet and I slid it on.

   I looked beyond the mess to the three kids. The tall one had stayed behind while the other two came to help. One had a sword in hand that looked similar to mine. Strangely similar.

   A big girl in armor was shouting orders. "Come on, shoulder to shoulder, move it, phalanx formation!" Only about six kids listened. I had no idea what phalanx formation was but they seemed to. They locked shields with their weapons sticking out, ready to defend.

   The kids running from the other side were close enough for me to see now. The girl had blonde curly hair with a Yankees cap in hand. She seemed to charge in as if she expected a fight, as if she was born to fight. Her face was stern and made me want to back up. She had a serious war glare.

   The other kid had black hair like mine. Although his  hair was more waves and mine were closer to curls it was still the same shade of black. His sword glinted faintly as mine had. He looked like hippie who had been attacked by his own bonfire. His ti-dye shirt and blue shorts had scorch marks all over them. They were also slightly ripped. The blonde girl got the attention of one of the bulls and put her cap on. She suddenly disappeared. Seriously, how much magic did this camp have?

   The bull got tired of trying to find the blonde girl. Right when it was about to attack the girl shouting commands, the black haired kid yelled "Behind you! Look out!"

   The girl got distracted and looked back. Just then, Bull #1 attacking from the front, charged and blew fire. Their shields were melted clean off and they scattered everywhere. The kid with the black hair dragged the girl in the armor out of the way. He slashed the second bull but it didn't do much, it kept running.

The girl yelled at the boy.

"Let me go!" She said. "Percy, curse you!"

The kid, Percy, dropped her and went to go help the blonde girl who was trying to get the campers to distract the bulls.

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