Cruise Ship in Need of Febreeze

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Annabeth and Tyson ran up to the beach where Percy and I stood. They both looked worried and out of breath.

"What's going on?" Annabeth demanded. "We heard you screaming for help."

"I wasn't screaming," I said.

"No, not you. We heard Percy."

Tyson also spoke up. "Heard you yelling 'Bad things are attacking'!"

"I didn't yell either," Percy looked confused. "We're fine."

"But then who-" Annabeth stopped mid sentence. She looked at the duffel bags at our feet, then at the items Percy and I were holding. She was trying to figure out what had happened. "What-"

"Just listen," Percy interrupted. "We don't have much time."

He began briefly recounting our encounter with the messenger god. Annabeth took in every detail and analyzed it at least a million times.

"Percy," She said, determination written all over her face. "We have to do the quest."

"We'll be expelled," he said. "Trust me, I'm an expert at being expelled."

"So? If we fail there will be no camp to come back to!"

"Yeah, but you promised Chiron-"

"Guys!" I interrupted. "That boat is getting away quick and the harpies will be here any second. If you're going to fight, I'd prefer it be while running away."

"Cassidy's right, Percy'" Annabeth looked desperate. "Besides, I promised Chiron I would protect you. I can only do that by coming with you. Tyson can stay and-"

"I want to go." Tyson declared.

"No!" Annabeth practically yelled in fear. "I mean... Percy c'mon. You know that's impossible. Plus, three per a quest is tradition. We have our three."

Percy looked between Tyson's pleading eye to Annabeth's anguished face. He seemed to be trying to make a decision that would please both of them. He looked to the ground knowing he couldn't. I wondered why Annabeth was that way with Tyson. Sure, she was tough, but never mean.

"We can't leave him," Percy decided. "Tantalus will punish him for us running away."

"Percy," Annabeth tried reasoning with him, "we're going to Polyphemus's island! Polyphemus is an S-i-k... a C-y-k..." She stomped her foot in frustration. I remember her telling me most demigods were dyslexic. I understood her frustration. "You know what I mean!"

"Hermes gave us four bags, Annabeth," Percy was determined to bring Tyson with him. "Tyson can come if he wants to."

We all turned to the cyclops.

"Want to!" He clapped excitedly.

"Alright," Annabeth was upset but knew we were running out of time. "How do we get to that ship?"

"Well," Percy shuffled uncomfortably, "Hermes said my dad could help."

"Well then, Seaweed Brain! What are you waiting for?"

"He wasn't talking to me."

"Oh." Annabeth turned to me, looking at me expectingly.

"How do I..." I trailed off. I didn't even know what to ask. How do I ask the greek god of the sea, who is apparently my father, to teleport me to that death ship?

I heard the harpies coming in. Percy turned his head, he heard them too. Annabeth was about ready to just jump in the water and swim for it.

"Just try something," she said. "Anything."

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