Trying to Kill You was an Accident, I Swear

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As we climbed on ship, Clarisse offered us a tour. It was less out of courtesy and more to show off. Percy accepted and we were all following Clarisse until Annabeth stopped.

"Actually, you guys go ahead, I need Cassidy to help me with something," she said. Her tone made me doubt she actually needed help with something.

Percy furrowed his eyebrows and looked at me, concerned. "Annabeth-" he started but she cut him off.

"I said go ahead, Percy," her stern tome made it clear there was no place for argument. "We'll catch up."

I nodded at him in reassurance that I'd be fine, but his expression remained unchanged. There was a moment of tension between all of us, until Tyson tapped Percy's shoulder, letting him know Clarisse walking away.

"You coming or not?" She called back.

I looked Percy straight in the eye. "Go."

They hesitantly followed Clarisse. Annabeth waited until she was sure they were out of ear shot. She then turned on me and shoved me against the wall.

"What in Hades was that?" She yelled, causing some soldiers to turn in our direction. She seemed to remember we weren't alone and dragged me towards a room. She pulled me inside than shut the door.

"What game do you think your playing, Malloy?" She approached me and backed me into a corner.

"I-" She didn't let me explain myself though. Her face was red with fury.

"You what? You're a spy for Luke. You work for the Titan Lord, don't you? You and Luke seemed to get along pretty well, why's that? You come to kill us? Why haven't you done it already? Huh? What are you waiting for Cassidy? Just do it already!"

She threw her dagger at my feet and and stood with her arms crossed. Her anger made me want to curl up in a ball and cry but I straightened up and took the dagger. Her expression faltered for a second, thinking I was actually going to murder her.

I turned the dagger face down and handed it back to her. "I'm sorry," my voice came out shaky.

She stared at my hand for a while and slowly took back the dagger. She sheathed it and sat on the floor. I sat next to her.

"Why did you try to kill us?" She asked. "The truth."

"I didn't try to kill you," I argued.

"Oh, yeah, forgot, friends shoot random blasts of ice at each other in the middle of battle all the time. My bad." Her bitterness was reasonable so I didn't get upset.

"I wasn't in control," I explained. "That curse Chiron warned us about? This is what he meant. Mr. D told me I had to find the one who had inflicted it upon me in order to get rid of. It's not something I can control and it happens at the worst moments. I had told Percy about it that night at beach when we ran away. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to worry that I wasn't stable enough for this quest."

Her face had gone back to its normal complexion and she seemed to be analyzing my story, checking for lies. "Why does Luke know you?" She turned to me, her grey eyes making me uneasy.

"When my mom died, they tried putting me in foster homes, a lot of them abusive. I would run away, live on the streets. One day, Luke and Thalia found me. They cared for me for a while, felt bad that a little kid was living alone on the streets. They knew I was different, like them, but they didn't tell me anything, I guess for my own safety. After a few days and nights spent with them, I decided I liked them too much to put them at risk. I didn't want social services to catch them too, I didn't want to hurt them with powers I couldn't control, so one night I left. I wrote them a note, then ran away. I guess they assumed I had died."

Annabeth now looked sorry for me. "You knew Thalia?"

"Yeah. I can't believe she... you know." I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud.

"She's not exactly dead, she's just a tree now." Annabeth reasoned.

"And that makes so much more sense," I scoffed.

Annabeth cracked a smile. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I was confused.

"For thinking you were with them, I shouldn't have accused you like that."

"Hey," I put my hand on her arm. "You had every right to be mad, I should've told you about the curse when you asked, it would've saved us a lot of trouble."

She hugged me and when she pulled back she looked at me confused. "Your eyes, they're still blue."

"Yeah, they stay like that for a little before going back to normal."

"You know," she began. "If you learned to control it, this could be a pretty cool advantage. No pun intended."

I had never thought about it that way. This whole time I was just trying to get rid of it but she was right. Having this on top of being a daughter of Poseidon would be pretty sick. It would also be a lot of power to handle though.

"I don't know what triggers it though. I couldn't even begin to imagine how to control it."

I could see Annabeth's gears turning.

"Well it's triggered when you say 'It's getting cold' but in Latin."

"That's what it means?"

"Yes. If you could somehow learn to summon it at will, you could probably be able to use it the way you want."

"Maybe," I said. We shared a moment of silence, both of us considering the dangers of trying to summon it on purpose.

"Well," Annabeth jumped up and dusted herself off. "Let's go find Percy before he thinks I murdered you."

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