I Have a New Love for Half Horse People

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        "Dude!" A centaur called out. "You want to learn paintball!"

     "Sure," I said, lifting up a paintball gun.

     "No," Annabeth said, taking the gun away from me. "Actually, we came here to stop Tyson before he paints this whole park blue."

     "Aw, c'mon!" The centaur took the gun from Annabeth. "It's fun, watch."

     He shot a paintball at one of his brothers. The centaur turned around, laughing. "Nice shot!"

    "Here," He said, positioning it correctly in my hands. "Take a shot."

     I closed an eye and aimed at Percy, who seemed to be having a serious talk with Chiron. I pulled the trigger.

    The paintball hit Percy in the arm so hard he fall back. He turned to glare at me.

    "Woah, little dude!" The centaur said. "Killer aim!"

    Annabeth laughed at Percy's expression and gave me a high five.

    "Okay," she said. "That was pretty funny."

    "How about it blondie?" The centaur asked. "Wanna give it a shot?"

     Annabeth nodded and I handed her the gun. She took a shot at a group of centaurs who were chilling in the shade. She shot at all five of them, not missing once. They all laughed and shouted praises at her.

    The centaur teaching us laughed. "You're up, little satyr."

     He handed the gun to Grover, who took it with shaking hands.
     "Um, I'm not sure I can-"

     "C'mon, Grover!" I encouraged him. We all cheered him on as he nervously took aim for a tree. Instead of hitting the tree, he hit Percy in the other arm.

    Grover immediately dropped the paintball gun. "Sorry, Percy!"

     Percy looked mad for about two seconds until he saw me and Annabeth laughing hysterically at him. He smiled back at us and waved Grover off.

    We spent a couple more minutes talking to all the centaurs around us, who seemed to live for parties. Personality wise, they were nothing like Chiron.

     Chiron was gathering a couple of his cousins to help us get back to camp. When he got his crew together, he signaled for us to get on a centaur each.

    Annabeth slung each arm over Grover and I.

    "C'mon," she said. "Let's go home."

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