Just A Bride Switch Up, No Biggy

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After a couple minutes of arguing, we all agreed there was no way of getting past those sheep without sharing the same fate as the deer.

Annabeth suggested she go on ahead with her cap of invisibility, but Percy and I convinced her it was too dangerous. We all had to go together. Besides, we had to find the people who had brought the other lifeboat there. I pulled Percy aside as we got off the boat.

"Tyson?" I asked in a whispered tone.

"Maybe," He said, but his tone was clear. Don't get your hopes up.

We had docked at the base of cliff that was easily 200 feet tall. Percy and Annabeth gripped the rocks, getting a feel for them.

"We're climbing up that?" I asked.

"Yeah, just pretend it's the one back at camp, just without lava," Annabeth said.

"And way taller," Percy added.

Annabeth went first, she was better at climbing. Percy went second and I went behind him.

Climbing felt like an eternity, I was starting to wish for the rope bridge.We only almost fell about six or seven times. Once, Annabeth's foot slipped and she stepped on Percy's face for support. Percy let out a groan as I laughed at him.

"Sorry," Annabeth murmured.

"S'okay," Percy answered.

I saw the top of the cliff, finally. Annabeth hauled herself up, Percy following. As soon as I slung my arm over the edge, the rocks crumbled. I felt myself falling and I yelled "Percy!"

He reacted quickly and grabbed my arm, hauling me up.

I let out a breath of relief as we all plopped to the ground in exhaustion. My fingers felt like they were on fire.

"Ow," I groaned.

"Ugh," Percy complained.

"Ouch," Annabeth moaned.

"Garrr!" Another voice finished our chorus of complains.

We all sat up and looked for the voice.

"What-" Percy started but Annabeth clamped her hand over his mouth. She pointed.

The ledge we were on was very narrow, something I hadn't realized until now. The voice had come from below us.

"You're a feisty one," the deep voice bellowed.

"Challenge me!" That came from Clarisse, at least we knew who brought the boat here. "Give me back my sword and I'll fight you."

The Cyclops laughed loudly.

We peeked over the edge and saw Clarisse dangling over a pot of boiling water. The monster examined her with amusement and next to him stood a satyr in a wedding dress. I assumed it was Percy's friend, Grover.

Polyphemus was also crudely dressed for a wedding. He wore a kilt and shoulder wrap all crookedly stitched together from the same blue fabric.

"Hmm," Polyphemus pondered. "Eat loudmouth girl now or wait for wedding feast? What does my bride think?"

He turned to the satyr, who backed up in fright tripping on his bridal train.

"Oh, um, I'm not hungry right now, dear. Perhaps-"

"Did you say bride?" Clarisse demanded. "Who- Grover?"

Percy and Annabeth scooted closer over the edge. Annabeth muttered, "Shut up. She has to shut up."

Polyphemus looked confused. "What's 'Grover'?

"The satyr!" Clarisse yelled.

"Oh!" Grover said in a fake women's voice. "The poor thing's brain is boiling from that hot water. Pull her down, dear!"

The cyclops squinted his milky eye, trying to get a better look at Clarisse.

"What satyr?" asked Polyphemus. "Satyrs are good eating. You bring me a satyr?"

"No, you big idiot!" shouted Clarisse. "That satyr! Grover! The one in the wedding dress!"

Percy looked about ready to strangle Clarisse but there was nothing we could do without giving away our hidden positions.

Polyphemus turned to Grover, ripping off his wedding attire, revealing Grover's curly red hair.

Now Polyphemus was angry. "I don't see very well," he breathed heavily. "Not since many years ago when the other hero stabbed me in the eye. But YOU'RE-NO-LADY-CYCLOPS!"

The monster took a swing at Grover but was too slow to hit him.

"Stop!" Grover pleaded behind the rock he was using as shelter. "Don't eat me raw! I- I have a good recipe!"

Percy reached for his sword, no doubt ready to intervene, but Annabeth whispered "Wait!"

Polyphemus stood frozen with a boulder in his hand. "Recipe?" He asked Grover.

"Oh y-yes!" Grover trembled. "You don't want to eat me raw. You'll get E coli and botulism and all sorts of horrible things. I'll taste much better grilled over a slow fire. With mango chutney! You could go get some mangos right now, down there in the woods. I'll just wait here."

The cyclops thought about it. I could feel Percy's heart pounding louder than mine or Annabeth's. I put a hand on his arm to try and reassure him silently. His heartbeat gradually went down.

"Grilled satyr with mango chutney," Polyphemus mused. He looked back at Clarisse, hanging over the gigantic pot. "You a satyr, too?"

"No, you overgrown pile of dung!" she squirmed in her ropes. "I'm a girl! The daughter of Ares! Now untie me so I can rip your arms off!"

"Rip my arms off," Polyphemus mused.

"And stuff them down your throat!"

"You got spunk."

"Let me down!"

Polyphemus snatched up Grover from behind the rock he was hiding. "Have to graze sheep now. Wedding postponed until tonight. Then we'll eat satyr for the main course!"

Grover looked more emotionally hurt than terrified. "But... you're still getting married? Who's the bride?"

Polyphemus looked toward the pot.

Clarisse made a gagging noise. "Oh, no! You can't be serious. I'm not-"

He plucked Clarisse up as easily as he had picked up Grover. Polyphemus threw them into the cave like ragdolls.

"Make yourself comfortable! I come back at sundown for big event!"

Then the Cyclops whistled like he was hailing a taxi cab. A flock of goats and sheep flooded out of the cave and past their master. They were smaller than the man eating sheep we had seen earlier. As they went to pasture, Polyphemus patted some and called them by name.

As the last sheep waddled out, Polyphemus rolled a boulder the size of a building in front of the doorway as easily as I could throw a pebble. The sounds of Clarisse and Grover screaming inside were shut off as the cave was sealed.

"Mangos," Polyphemus pondered to himself. "What are mangos?"

He lumbered down the mountain in his baby-blue groom's outfit, leaving three scraggly kids to remove a six ton boulder, alone.

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