Cover your eyes and play those funky tunes!

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Percy took me and Tyson to his cabin in complete silence.

Travis had sent my clothes and stuff that they had given me at Cabin 11 over to Cabin 3. I couldn't take the silence anymore.

"I'm assuming this is bad?" I stupidly asked Percy.

He looked at me for the first time in a while, his eyebrows furrowed as if he were trying to decide whether I was real or not. He tried for a smile but I could tell it was forced. He looked absolutely drained.

"Not completely, I got a sister now."

"And brother!" Tyson added excitedly.

He didn't look too happy about that. We walked the rest of the way in silence.

When we arrived at the cabin, he stopped right before we entered and turned to me.

"You look like him, you know?" he sighed.
"A lot like Dad."

"You've met him?" I asked in disbelief. Why was Percy so special to have been able to meet Poseidon. He probably blamed me for mom.

"Yeah, once. He had told me things were going to get difficult, I have a feeling this is only the beginning of what he's talking about."

He pushed open the door and turned on the lights. The cabin looked empty and not very hospitable. Percy's bunk had all of his stuff on it in a messy pile. The cabin didn't have anything but bunks and intricate waves of the ocean etched into the walls.

Tyson chose a bunk across from Percy's and I took the one next to his. I plopped my book bag on top of the stuff Travis had left for me and sat down with my back against the wall.

I began to cry.

I wasn't really sure why, but I couldn't really help myself. So much had happened in such little time and I had all these bottled up emotions that I had been trying to hide for so many years and this just tipped me over the edge. It was like a tank was just being pressurized and pressurized with air until it finally burst. But this wasn't my burst. I had simply sprung a leak. I let a few tears fall to the floor, I counted five until I heard Percy get up.

I didn't dare take my eyes away from the ceiling, scared that if I did, I would explode.

I felt my bed sink a little and felt Percy's warmth against me.

"Hey," he said, awkwardly. "I can't say it'll be fine because half bloods are practically in danger of dying everyday."

"Is this supposed to be a motivational speech," I looked over at him, "because if it is, let me tell you, not feeling very motivated."

Tyson's snores filled the room. I couldn't believe he had gone to sleep so quickly, so peacefully. For once, I envied him.

"Well it was supposed to be hut I guess now it's more of a 'don't worry you're not the only one trying to not die' speech."

I laughed a little and wiped my face. I turned to look at him and he looked a little worried. He was only months older than me, but he looked like he had gone through a lot.

"Listen, all I'm trying to say is, in a fight, you can count on me to protect your weak spots."

"How about outside the battle field?"

"You can count on me there, too. Promise."

I let one last tear escape my eye. I dried my eyes.

He climbed off my bunk and into his own.

"Goodnight, sorry about the dreams, by the way," he yawned.

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