Goodbye Brother, For Now

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The next few days were amazing. I was excited to spend the rest of the summer here.

I got a stable schedule, some of my activities with the Stolls, some with Percy, and most with Annabeth.

I took sword fighting with Justin, who was an amazing swordsman. He taught me a few new moves and after a couple sessions we fought at the same level.

"I'm impressed, Malloy," He said. I had him on the ground, his sword flung to the side and mine pointed at his chest.

"I know," I said, helping him up.


Later that day, I walked to the beach to watch the sunset. I found Percy and Tyson there.

I walked up to them and Tyson made an abrupt announcement.

"Dream came from Daddy last night," he said. "He wants me to visit."

"Poseidon sent you a dream message?" Percy asked.

Tyson nodded. "Wants me to go underwater for the rest of the summer. Learn to work at Cyclopes' forges. He called it an inter- an intern-"

"An internship?"


I felt sad for two reasons. One, Poseidon had now contacted all his kids at camp except me. I started to think it was something personal. Two, I didn't want Tyson to leave. I was looking forward to spending the summer with both my brothers

"When would you leave?" I asked.


"Now. Like ... now now?" Percy asked.

"Now." He repeated.

"I'm happy for you, big guy," Percy looked up at him. "Seriously."

"Hard to leave my new brother and sister," he said with a tear in his big brown eye. "But I want to make things. Weapons for the camp. You will need them."

I nodded. "Yeah, we will."

"You'll make the best weapons," Percy told him. "I bet they'll tell good time, too."

Tyson sniffled. "Brothers help each other."

"You're my brother," I said. "No doubt about it."

"Mine too," I said.

"Use the shield well," he told Percy, patting him on the back hard.

"I will, big guy."

"Save your life some day."

Tyson hugged me so tight, I was sure he had re-bruised my ribs. We watched him go off into the ocean. He whistled and Rainbow appeared with seconds. Together, they made their way to Poseidon's realm.

"Check this out," Percy tapped his watch and the shield presented itself.

The detail on it was amazing. Each slot depicted our adventures in the last days. It had us fighting the Hydra, swimming to Miami in the hippocampi, fighting Polyphemus, and more. I pointed to one. "What's that?"

"Us trying not get burned down by the bullies in our school that happened to be monsters in disguise," Percy said.

"I got something similar," I said. I took out my bracelet and showed him my new charm. I turned it into a sword and he examined the design on the hilt. He wiped his hand over it, smiling.

"Hey guys."

We turned around and Annabeth and Grover were standing there. Percy blinked away the tears forming in his eyes.

"Tyson..." he said. "He had to..."

"We know," Annabeth said softly. "Chiron told us."

"Cyclopes forges," Grover quivered. "I hear the cafeteria food there is terrible! Like, no enchiladas at all."

"I bet they have fantastic mango chutney," I teased.

We all laughed, the whole Polyphemus situation now being funny instead of scary.

Annabeth held out her hand to Percy. "C'mon, Seaweed Brain. Time for dinner."

Percy took her hand. I slung my arm over Grover's shoulder. We all walked to the dining pavilion, together.

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