No Longer a Tree

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        That night, there was a strong storm. Magical barriers around the camp protected us from bad weather, though. Lightning flashed in the distance as I stared out our window. Tyson's absence made the cabin feel empty. The sound of snores no longer filling the room.

     Percy's breathing became heavy and he kicked in his sleep. He sat up and yelled in fright. I hopped off my bunk and onto his quickly and he grasped my arms, trying to catch his breath.

    "It's okay," I said. "It was just a dream."

     He nodded, but didn't let go of me until his breathing had gotten to a normal pace.

     Some people would think it should be the other way around, the older brother comforting the little sister, but we were demigods. It was different. We all had to look out for each other, no matter our age.

     Percy loosened his grip on my forearm. Someone violently knocked on our door and he tightened his grip again.

     "Who's knocking at this hour?" I asked. Percy let go of me and before I could get to the door. Grover burst in.

    "Why would you knock if you're just gonna come in anyway?" I said.

    He ignored my question. He looked worried and out breath.

    "Percy! Cassidy! Annabeth... On the hill... she..."

    He ran out of the cabin and Percy and I followed. Annabeth had to keep watch of Thalia's tree that night.

    "Grover," I said. "What happened. Is Annabeth okay?"

     "She's lying there..." Was all he could manage to say. "Just lying there..."

     My blood turned cold as I worried even more. The look on Grover's face told me something big had happened. I picked up my face, racing towards Annabeth.

    Chiron had picked up Percy and was taking him up to Half Blood Hill. I picked up my pace.

    Suddenly, Connor was at my side. I had heard Hermes kids were faster than the rest, being the kids of the messenger god.

    "What happened?" I asked, not slowing down.

    "The Fleece," he said. "It did its job too well."

    I didn't know what that meant and I didn't stop to ask either. I reached Half Blood Hill right after Chiron and Percy.

    I spotted Annabeth in full Greek armor, kneeling on the ground. I raced to her side.

    "Thank the gods," I said. "I thought you were hurt."

    She didn't seem to have heard me. Her gaze was focused on the roots of the trees. I turned to where she was looking.

    In the ground, laid an unconscious girl. She wore all black clothing, a leather jacket with a ton of band buttons on it. I gasped. I recognized her face all too well.

    Percy kneeled next to her, lifting her to a sitting position. He put a hand on her forehead.

    "She needs nectar and ambrosia," he said. None of us answered, too stunned at what was before us. Of who was before us.

     "Come on!" Percy yelled. "What's wrong with you people? Let's get her to the Big House."

     The girl took a deep breath and shot her eyes open. She began coughing and stared at Percy with her electric blue eyes.

     "Who-" she choked out.

     "I'm Percy," he said. "You're safe now."

     "Strangest dream..."

      "It's okay."


       "No," Percy said. "You're okay. What's your name?"

       He was the only one oblivious to who he was holding. The chances of someone being the child of the prophecy had just been split into three. People from my past just kept coming up.

     "I am Thalia," the girl said. "Daughter of Zeus."

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