Nobody to The Rescue?

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       Polyphemus turned towards the general sound of Annabeth's voice. "Who said that?"

      "Nobody!" Annabeth yelled.

      The monsters face turned red with rage.

      "Nobody!" He bellowed. "I remember you!"

      "You're too stupid to remember anybody!" Annabeth countered. "Much less Nobody!"

      The cyclops was enraged and grabbed the boulder he used as a door. He hurled it into the air, at the same direction Annabeth's voice was coming from. For a horrible moment, there was complete silence.

     "You haven't learned to throw any better either," Annabeth taunted.

     I smiled. Annabeth knew exactly what she was doing and she did it with style. I liked her.

     "Come here!" Polyphemus roared. "Let me kill you, Nobody!"

    "You can't kill Nobody, you stupid oaf," she shouted. "Come find me!"

      Polyphemus ran down the hill toward her voice.

      Annabeth had explained to Percy and I that  Odysseus had used the name "Nobody" when he fought with the cyclops. It worked out well for him because he managed to practically blind Polyphemus. Annabeth hoped he would still hold a grudge and he clearly did. He left his wife and dinner unattended in an open cave.

     I saw Percy hop off his sheep and I did the same. I patted my sheep, thanked (and apologized to) him, then ran to Percy's side.

    "We have to find Grover and Clarisse," he said.

     I nodded. We made our way past the sheep and goats. How Polyphemus knew each one by name I couldn't tell you, they all looked the same to me.

    When we got past the sea of wool, we were faced with a maze.

    I turned to Percy, "Split up?"

   "Definitely not," he said. "I've dreamed about this place before, maybe I can guide us."

    Percy was wrong. We took a lot of wrong turns and ended up in the same hallways sometimes.

      I started breathing heavily so we decided to take a short break in a room with clothes made entirely out of sheep's wool and goat's skin. I put a hat on my head that had horns sticking out of it.

    "How do I look," I asked Percy.

    "Ridiculous," he said, putting on a coat. "How do I look?"

     "Dashing," I said. 


     "No, you look pretty stupid."

      Percy laughed and rolled his eyes. He was about to say something but we heard someone sniffing pretty loudly.

     We threw the clothes off of ourselves and ran towards the noise. Grover was desperately trying to cut Clarisse's ropes with safety scissors.

     "It's no good," Clarisse said. "This rope is like iron!"

     "Just a few more minutes!"

     "Grover," she snapped. "You've been working at it for hours!"

      I pulled the charm off my bracelet, revealing my sword. "I think I can help."

     They turned towards us.

     "Percy? Cassidy?" Clarisse looked dumbfounded. "You guys are supposed to be blown up!"

     "Nice to see you, too," Percy said, taking out his pen. "Now hold still while I-"

     "Perrrrcccyyy," Grover bleated, attacking Percy in a hug. "You heard me! You came!"

    "Yeah, buddy," he said. "Of course I came."

      Grover let go of him and then hugged me. I hugged back in confusion.

      He stiffened. "Wait."

      Grover pulled away, "I don't know you,"

      Percy had cut Clarisse's ropes with his sword and made his way over to us.

    "Grover, meet my sister," he said.

    I waved awkwardly and Grover turned pale.

   "Sister?" He yelled. "Not another broken pact."

    "Technically, it's the same pact, just broken twice," I said.

      He seemed to lighten up a bit.

     "Grover Underwood," He introduced himself.

     "Cassidy Malloy," I smiled.

     "Where's Annabeth?" Grover asked.

     "Outside," Percy said. "But there's no time to talk. Clarisse, was anyone else onboard your lifeboat?"

     "No," Clarisse shook her head. "Just me. Everybody else aboard the Birmingham... well, I didn't even know you guys made it out."

    Percy looked down. Clarisse had just crushed his last hopes that Tyson was still alive. I lightly kicked his shoe with mine and he looked up to me.

    I gave him a smile and he forced one on his face in return. He switched the subject. "Okay. Come on, then. We have to help-"

     A shriek pierced the air and sent chills down my spine. Annabeth, no longer taunting the giant, cried out in fear.

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