Who Knew Donuts Could be Scary?

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         After an hour of speeding across the sea, we spotted land. The waters became filled with fishing boats and coast guards.

      Annabeth scanned the surrounding and her eyes widened. "That's Virginia Beach! Oh my gods, how did the Princess Andromeda travel that far overnight. That's like..."

     "Five hundred and thirty nautical miles," I said.

     "What?" She momentarily forgot she was mad at me.

     "That's how far we traveled," I said. "Five hundred and thirty nautical miles."

     "How did you know that?"

     "I- I don't know." I had to admit I was just as confused as she was. Annabeth seemed to remember she was mad at me and turned to Percy.

     "Percy, what's our position?"

      "36 degrees, 44 minutes north, 76 degrees, 2 minutes west," he said immediately. He shook his head in confusion. "Whoa. How did I know that?"

       "Because of your dad," Annabeth guessed. "When you're at sea, you both have perfect bearings. That is so cool."

     I wasn't sure being a human compass classified as "cool", but arguing with Annabeth was not a smart choice at the moment.

     Tyson tapped Percy's shoulder. "Other boat is coming."

     He was right. The coast guard's boat was flashing its lights and gaining on us.

    "We can't let them catch us," I said. "They'll ask too many questions." I'd dealt with cops before and they always pried in your business.

     "Keep going to Chesapeake Bay," Annabeth told Percy. "I know a place we can hide."

     "Here," I said, taking the thermos from Percy. "I'll steer for a bit, you've been doing it for a while. Take a break."

      He looked like he was about to protest but his shoulders slumped in exhaustion. He nodded and I turned the cap of the thermos just a little more, making us sail faster, away from the cops.

     As we went by, I felt a change in the water. We had entered freshwater territory and for some reason I felt way more tired. Annabeth noticed and walked up to my side.

    "Poseidon is the god of the sea, saltwater benefits you more than freshwater," She explained. She seemed a little more calm, maybe she just needed time to cool off.

     "Don't worry, it's close," she pointed. "There. Past that sandbar."

    We entered a swampy area and I closed the thermos. Even at its minimum, it was too powerful for a leisurely stop. I willed the water to take us to shore. It was a strange feeling that drained me even further, but I managed to dock us safely and somewhat smoothly.

     Vine covered trees covered the whole area, which was alive with wildlife.

    "Come on," Annabeth urged us on. "It's just down the bank."

    "What is?" Percy asked.

     "Just follow," she commanded, grabbing her duffel bag. "And we better cover that boat, we don't want to draw attention."

    We covered the boat with as much twigs and leaves we could find. When it looked concealed, we followed Annabeth, our shoes sinking in the mud.

     Percy jumped back when he saw a snake circle his shoes. Tyson was busy swatting away mosquitoes.

     We walked for a few more minutes until Annabeth finally announced we had made it.

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