I am NOT Related to a Rodent

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After taking us to the library, something Annabeth insisted on, Hylla opened up the doors for us from the first room and we stepped in. No one seemed to be there so Annabeth called out, "Miss C.C.?"

C.C. appeared from the further left of the room, smiling. She scanned us over and I felt my face get slightly heated. I looked at Annabeth and realized that as soon as we entered the room, makeup had been plastered on our faces.

I also realized another thing, but Annabeth beat me to the question. "Where's Percy?"

"He's having one of our treatments, my dear. Not to worry. You look wonderfu, both of you! What did you think of your tour?"

Annabeth's eyes lit up. "Your library is amazing!"
"Yes, indeed," C.C. said proudly, "The best knowledge of the past three millennia. Anything you want to study, anything you want to be, my dear."

"An architect?" Annabeth suggested.

"Pah!" C.C. said. "You, my dear, have the makings of a sorceress. Like me."

Annabeth glanced my way, as if checking she heard right. "A sorceress?"

"Yes, my dear." C.C. held up her hand and it was set ablaze. I took a step back, having only seen that once in a dream. A memory, my friends hand set ablaze.

"My mother is Hecate, the goddess of magic. I know a daughter of Athena when I see one. We are not so different, you and I. We both seek knowledge. We both admire greatness. Neither of us needs to stand in the shadow of men."

The possibility of my childhood friend being the child of the goddess of magic kind of scared me. It also made me wonder, why wasn't he at camp. Then again, I had only been there a short amount of time, not possibly enough to know everyone.

It was hard to concentrate on my train of thought with all the noise those stupid guinea pigs were making. I thought maybe they were hungry, so I inched closer to them.

"Um, Atalanta, Amelia Earhart-" Annabeth was saying before C.C. cut her off.

"Where are you going, daughter of the sea?" I'd been busted.

"Yes," she said. "I know of your parentage, too. You and your brother have uncanny similarities the the deity."

"C.C.... Circe! You!" Annabeth had come to a
conclusion, and by the look on her face, it wasn't a good one.

"Yes, my dear," Circe answered. "Though I mean you no harm."

"Where's my brother," I demanded.

"He's where he belongs," she answered.

"What did you do to Percy!" Annabeth yelled.

"Forget him. Join me and learn the ways of sorcery."


"Annabeth, she's right." I cut her off. "C'mon don't you think it's better like this?"

Circe smiled, having convinced me would make it one step closer to convincing Annabeth. The only flaw in her plan was that she hadn't convinced me. Luckily, Annabeth caught on

"Yeah, I guess so." She said. "Can we just have a minute to say goodbye?"

"Of course!" Circe said. "And to ensure you have complete privacy..." She waved her hand and metal bars fell around the room like a prison. The door shut behind her and Annabeth and I rushed to the cage.

"Alright, which one is you?" Annabeth asked.

They all squeaked in response so the question was no use.

"His pants!" I said

"Whose pants?" Annabeth looked confused.

"My great uncle Jerry's pants," I spat. "Who do you think?"

She looked to where I was pointing and pulled out Percy's clothes. She took out the vitamins Hermes had given us. This did seem like the right time.

"Take it," She handed me one and I swallowed it. I immediately felt my senses heightened and a new type of protection around me.

Just then, Circe waltzed back in. "My, how fast a minute passes. Well my dears, what is your answer?"

Annabeth gave me a side glance and I slightly nodded.

"This," she said. We both drew our weapons, ready to fight.

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