Brain Freeze on a New Level

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"Who did you say trained you at camp?" Annabeth asked. We were both sweaty and out of breath but she had taught me a lot.

"Will," I said, taking a huge gulp of water. "Will Solace."

"No wonder," she said, taking the water bottle from me. "Children of Apollo are never the first choice to train in sword fighting."

Annabeth wasn't an expert with a sword either, but I did feel more useful in a battle now. She told me that when this was over, she'd make sure I got better trained at camp. Apparently, Percy was one of the best at sword fighting.

We sat there watching the sunrise, catching our breath. I recounted my dream for Annabeth. She looked sad.

"We have to make it in time," she said, mostly to herself. "I can't lose camp."

I said nothing, mostly because I had nothing good to say. I wasn't going to promise her that we would, because common sense was screaming that we wouldn't.

She started fidgeting with her camp necklace. A leather string with beads on it, one for each year she had been at camp. Percy's only had one.

"You know, I was thinking," Annabeth started.

"Uh-oh," I said.

She smiled. "About controlling that curse."

"Annabeth," I looked at her and pulled the charm out of the hilt of my sword, retracting it into my charm bracelet. "I told you already, it's too dangerous. I need to get rid of it."

"It won't hurt to try!" She pleaded.

"You don't know that."

"Well, neither of us know if we don't try. Just once."

"Right now?" She was crazy if she thought I'd purposely lose control on a ship full of zombie soldiers.

"Yes, right now," she had definitely lost her mind. "It's best, we're at sea, it's where your in most control."

"What if I end up blowing up the ship?"

"You won't! I'll be here to stop you."

I thought about it for a moment. I couldn't believe I was even considering this.

"Fine," I sighed. Annabeth's face lit up.

I stood up and took a deep breath. Closing my eyes, I came to a realization.

"I don't speak Latin," I said.

"Sure you do, that's how you activate it," Annabeth argued.

"Yeah, subconsciously!"

"Fine, just repeat after me," Annabeth spoke in perfect Latin. "Sic frigus suus 'questus"

I repeated it and immediately felt chills run down my spine. I felt the urge to blackout and fought it as best I could. It hurt to resist, I could feel my muscles straining. Then I heard Annabeth's voice.

"Cas, you still in there?" It was barely discernible. It sounded murky, like it was coming from underwater. I felt myself lose control and all of a sudden I was hit with a burst of pain.

I was in full control of my body, but I was on the floor, the curse no longer activated. My head was throbbing.

Annabeth offered her hand. I took it and she helped me up.

"Sorry," she said. "It was the only way I knew how to bring you back."

"I told you it wouldn't work." I looked around and saw parts of the ship covered in ice, including most of the floor.

"We just need to keep practicing, that's all" she said.

Before I could argue that it was hopeless, a horrible alarm bell started ringing.

"We are now approaching the entrance," the undead captain announced. "I repeat, we are now approaching the entrance."

I stopped him in his path. "The entrance to what exactly?"

I saw Annabeth's face look gravelly towards the sea. Her stormy grey eyes were troubled. The answer came from her mouth. "The Sea of Monsters."

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