2.2K 47 4

CONGRATS you made it to the end of Book 1. I really hoped you enjoyed the story and that you like Cassidy. (I know I do)

I decided to end the book in a different cliffhanger than The Sea of Monsters.

This is the end of this book and I didn't put any A/Ns in between bc honestly i just find them annoying so i didnt want them in my books.

aNYWAYS, next up is titan's curse which im super excited about because it's my favorite pjo book. I'm gonna start it asap so be on the lookout for that on my acc ;)

if yall have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave them here, i'd love to hear them.

also 1.5k reads before i even finished is INSANE to me, I didn't expect so much and im so grateful to everyone who read. I hope it gave you a different experience having a different perspective of the story and a new character. I'm pretty happy with this book and i hope yall are too. See you in the next book

Peace out


UPDATE: the first chapter of the next book has now been posted!

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