All Weapons, No Donuts

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       At least three spears were on each of us, making Percy uneasy. He hid it well.

    "One on one," he challenged Luke. "What are you afraid of."

    Annabeth had told me Percy was the best swordsman at camp, and seeing him deal with Polyphemus was proof enough. But the way Luke swung his sword with grace, I could tell he was just as good, if not better than, Percy.

    The soldiers awaited Luke's orders to turn me into a Cassie kabob. Before he could say anything, Agrius came through the doors, struggling to restrain a beautiful, pure black pegasus.

    To everyone else, It just sounded like angry whinnying, but I understood his thoughts. He called Agrius and Luke names that would've made any sailor proud.

    "Sir! Your steed is ready." Agrius announced.

     Luke's gaze stayed on my brother.

    "I told you last summer, Percy," he said. "You can't bait me into a fight."

     "And you keep avoiding one," Percy countered. "Scared your warriors will see you get whipped?"

    Luke's statement fell short. He looked around at the crowd, waiting for him to pulverize Percy. He knew he couldn't back down, he'd be considered a coward. Percy had baited him.

   "I'll kill you quickly," Luke decided, spinning his sword just to show off. His sword was a mix between bronze and steel. I don't know why, but it scared me.

    Luke whistled and one of his soldiers brought him a shield. He smiled evilly at Percy.

     "Luke," Annabeth said, "at least give him a shield."

    "Sorry, Annabeth," he said. "You bring your own equipment to this party."

    "Some party," I muttered.

     I know right, the pegasus' voice spoke in my mind. They don't even have donuts.

     I smirked. A big hairy monster shoved his weapon into my back.

    "What are you smiling about," He snarled.

    "Wouldn't you like to know," I said.

     He grunted and returned his attention to the fight. The pegasus neighed in laughter.

     I like you, he decided.

    Percy wasn't doing too hot. His side was grazed and I watched as Luke easily side stepped and blocked each of his strikes.

    "My, Percy," he teased. "You're out of practice."

     The cut on his ribs was slowing Percy down. He thrust his sword at Luke, who easily dodged.

    I closed my eyes and concentrated on the pool, that was now to Percy's back. I willed blast of water to shoot out and drag Percy in. He was momentarily stunned but recovered quickly. The water gave him energy to keep fighting.

    Percy made a funnel cloud out of the pool water, blasting Luke to the ground.

    Luke spat out the water and rolled aside before Percy could strike. In seconds, he was back on his feet.

    Percy sliced his shield in half but Luke wasn't fazed in the slightest. He crouched and slashed at Percy's leg, striking him right above the knee. He collapsed.

    Luke brought his sword down for the final kill but Percy rolled over just in time, taking refuge under a beach chair. Luke slashed the chair in half with ease.

    "Percccyyyy!" Grover cried.

    Percy crawled his way to the pool, but he couldn't make it further than a couple feet. Luke walked up to him slowly and smiled. I desperately tried to take control of the water but I was under too much pressure. I was feeling the temperature drop in my body. One more move and I would black out, making the situation worse.

     "One thing I want you to watch before you die, Percy," Luke said. "Oreius, Agrius. You can eat your dinner now. Bon appetite."

      Oreius lifted Grover and Annabeth, baring his teeth. Agrius pushed the snake lady out of the way and lifted me up.

     Before he could get a bite in, a red-feathered arrow sprouted from Oreius' mouth. He crumpled to the ground.

    "Brother!" Agrius dropped me and I hit the deck hard. He ran towards his fallen brother and I took out my sword and slashed the pegasus' reigns. Without thinking, the pegasus flew off, kicking Agrius to ground, and soared to the sky.

    Everyone stood dumbstruck, staring at the bear twins on the ground.

     Then, the boat began to vibrate as distant war cries were heard. At least a dozen centaurs bust down the doors.

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