The Lava Wall is Right Next to the Pegasi, You Can't Miss It!

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       We made our way towards the Big House.

"What's so special about that tree?" I asked. I was waking next to Percy and Tyson with Annabeth a but ahead, we could all tell it was best to give her some space.

"Awhile ago," Percy started, "three demigods, Luke, Thalia and..." He glanced forward. "And Annabeth, were surviving on their own. Luke, son of Hermes, being the oldest kind of took charge of their small group. Thalia, daughter of Zeus, was really close to Annabeth, daughter of Athena. Sorry, do you know the gods?"

"Some." I said. "Those sound pretty familiar."

"Alright, well," he continued, "they were all doing their best, living alone, roaming the country, but three demigods traveling together was bound to attract major monster problems, especially traveling with a daughter of Zeus, on of The Big Three."

"The Big Three?"

"Yeah, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon. Anyway, one day a satyr named Grover Underwood, one of my best friends, found them and did his best to lead them to camp. He was only a kid though, just like them. They were captured by monsters and somehow managed to escape, but not safely. They were chased all the way to camp boundaries and as Thalia told Luke and Annabeth to get safely to camp, she did her best fending off monsters. She wasn't strong enough though, as she lay dying her father turned her into a tree which created a boundary around the camp to keep out monsters and evil dudes and stuff like that. As Annabeth said, anyone who isn't a god or demigod has to be let in by a camper, and of course we wouldn't voluntarily let in monsters. And that tree," he pointed to the poisoned one, "that would be Thalia's tree."

"What happened to Luke and Grover?" I had no idea who Grover was but a lump grew in my throat as Percy spoke of Thalia and Luke. They couldn't possibly the same ones, there was no way. Thalia couldn't be dead, she seemed tough as nails. It couldn't possibly be her. But a small voice in my head told me that there was the slightest possibility that it was her.

"Grover's in trouble, I think." Percy's expression became even more worried and confused. "I've been having these weird dreams. As for Luke, he went to work for Kronos, the evil titan lord who ate his children, the gods."

"Seems kinda harsh," I said. "Was Luke this sandy haired guy, blue eyes?"

Percy furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I just... guessing." I know, really smart answer. I just didn't know what else to say. I wasn't truly sure i could trust these people yet. Also, if we were talking about the same Luke, I didn't want him to think that I also worked for evil cannibal man.

"Oh." I could tell he didn't buy it, but he also knew not to prod for more information. Smart kid.

"Anything weird happened lately?" He asked, I suspected to have a change in subject. "Maybe give us a hint as to who your godly parent is?"

I told him about the bush healing my ankle.

"I thought you said your mom was mortal?" he asked.

"Extremely mortal." I responded.

   "That's weird. Bushes and trees and anything nature really, usually take a liking to Demeter's kids. Maybe there was a dryad there who thought you were worth helping."

   "Wastha!" Tyson said, pointing east.

   "Stables for our pegasi," Percy answered. "Horses with wings."

   "Y'all have actual real pegasi?" I asked.

   "Yeah we use them to train and-"

   "Wastha?" Tyson interrupted.

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