Could You Please Throw Something Other Than Rocks?

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        "You'd think he'd run out of rocks," Percy said under his breath.

       "Swim for it!" Grover cried.

       Everyone swam for the boat except for Percy. He was looking straight at Tyson, who was also being watched by Polyphemus. I stayed behind with them.

    "You, young Cyclops!" Polyphemus pointed him out. "Traitor to your kind!"

     Tyson stopped walking towards us.

     "Don't listen to him!" Percy pleaded. "Come on."

     Percy tried pulling Tyson towards the sea, but Tyson didn't budge. He turned to face the monster.

    "I am not a traitor," he said, firmly. "And you are not my kind."

     "You serve mortals!" Polyphemus accused. "Thieving humans!"

     He threw one of his boulders but Tyson swatted it aside easily. "Not a traitor."

    "Death or victory!" Polyphemus began lumbering his way towards us.

     Suddenly, Percy reached to me and pulled out one of my hairs. It took me by surprise and an icy blast shot out of my hand as I yelled "Ow! What was that for?"

     Percy tried, and failed, to suppress his smile. "Sorry, it was the only thing I could think of."

    He pointed towards Polyphemus, who hadn't seen the ice I just shot out. He stepped foot on my blast and slipped. He fell on his face hard. I smiled, but that only lasted about two seconds, because he started to get up again.

    "Percy!" Clarisse yelled. "C'mon!"

     I looked back and they were almost to the ship. We had just had to keep the monster away long enough for them to escape. After all, all three of us were children of Poseidon. It would be easier for us to get to the ship.

     "Go," Tyson told us. "I will hold Big Ugly."

    "Not a chance," I said.

     "We'll fight him together," Percy said.

     Tyson smiled. "Together."

     We drew our weapons.

     Polyphemus limped horribly. Sadly, the injuries did not prevent him from throwing. He hurled his other rock towards us but Tyson punched it into pebbles.

    Percy rose himself on an ocean wav about twenty feet high. He drove the wave into Polyphemus, knocking him off his feet. I took the time to slash places I couldn't reach when he was standing.

   "Destroy you!" Polyphemus spat water out of his mouth. "Fleece stealer!"

    "You stole the Fleece!" Percy spat back. "You've been using it to lure satyrs to their deaths!"

     "So? Satyrs good eating!"

     "The Fleece should be used to heal! It belongs to the children of the gods!"

     "I am a child of the gods!" Polyphemus took a swipe at Percy, but he dodged it. "Father Poseidon, curse this thief!"

     His eye squinted and blinked in pain. He could hardly see anything now. I realized he was being guided by the sound of our voices.

    "Poseidon won't curse me,"Percy said, backing away. "I'm his son, too. He won't play favorites."

     Polyphemus furiously ripped an olive tree out of the side of the cliff and brought it down where Percy had been standing seconds ago. "Humans not the same! Nasty, tricky, lying!"

     Tyson slowly made his way around Polyphemus, searching for weak spots.

     "Young one!" Polyphemus cried. "Where are you? Help me!"

      Tyson paused. I know he didn't want to help him, but he didn't want to hurt him either.

     "You weren't raised right!" Polyphemus continued. "Poor orphaned brother! Help me!"

      For a moment, everything stood still. The only thing moving was the ocean, restless as always.

    Tyson approached the older cyclops, his hands held up in peaceful surrender. "Don't fight, Cyclops brother. Put down the-"

    But that was all the Cyclops needed to find Tyson. He swung his olive tree straight into Tyson, smashing him against the cliff.

     "Tyson!" Percy shouted.

      But Polyphemus didn't care for Percy at the moment. I hadn't spoken in so long I was sure he'd forgotten I was there. He darted towards Tyson.

     "No!" Percy lunged towards Polyphemus, his sword raised high.

     I wasn't sure what Percy was aiming for, but he struck Polyphemus right in the butt cheek.

     "Blaaahhhhh!!" The monster roared in pain and swung his tree at Percy.

      Percy took advantage of this and grabbed onto one of the branches.

     As Polyphemus swung the tree over his own head, Percy landed right on his eye. Tyson shoved him down and Percy was about to strike the monster in his heart, but he glanced at Tyson and knew he couldn't do it.

     "Let him go," he told Tyson. "Run."

      They're panting was enough to give away their location.

      "I will smash you!" Polyphemus was not giving up.

     "Hey!" I yelled, causing everyone to turn in my direction.

     I looked at Percy and told him to swim towards the ship but he shook his head. He stayed where he was, sword at the ready, prepared to intervene if he had to.

    "You sons of the sea god are forgetting something," I said.

    Polyphemus' curiosity overcame his urge to kill, even if for a moment.

    I felt a powerful sensation all over me, willing the waves to rise as high as I needed them to. I felt the ocean, ready to comply to my command. I felt the seas salty air surround me completely, giving me energy. I loved this feeling.

    "Poseidon also had a daughter."

     I extended my arms towards the monster and blasted him with all the water that had risen from the ocean. He was slammed onto the side of a cliff, rocks weakly falling on top of him. Unfortunately for us, that was more ammo for him.

     Percy and Tyson stood awed. I ran towards them and pulled them both by the arm, towards the sea. We had to get to the ship without speaking, if not, Polyphemus would find us again.

     We dove into the sea and made the waves carry us quicker to the ship. Polyphemus was slowly recovering.

    "Where are you?" He yelled, throwing a rock in a random direction, completely missing us.

     "In your face Cyclops!" Clarisse yelled. Percy made a noise in his throat, resisting the urge to yell at Clarisse.

    Polyphemus threw another boulder towards the sound of Clarisse's voice but missed the ship.

    "Yeah, yeah!" Clarisse taunted. "You throw like a wimp! Teach you to try marrying me, you idiot!"

     "Clarisse!" Percy yelled. "Shut up!"

     It was too late now, Polyphemus had already located us. He threw a bigger boulder straight towards the ship. This time, it didn't miss.

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