Clipboard Lady to the Rescue

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"You mean..." Percy seemed to be mentally putting the pieces together. I really wish he would do it out loud because I was completely lost.

"The prophecy warns about a child of the Big Three turning sixteen," Annabeth said. "It can be either one of you."

"Well what's the big deal about this prophecy anyways?" I asked.

"Whoever it's about will decide the fate of Olympus. You could be it's savior or destructor."

I didn't like the way she said you. As if deciding that it was me. I really hoped it wasn't. That was a type of pressure I couldn't take.

A bird swooped from over head and landed in Annabeth's lap. She looked down at it and saw it was carrying a cluster of leaves. Her face lit up.

"Land," she picked up a leaf. "There's land nearby!"

Percy sat up and pointed east. Sure enough, there was a tiny island getting closer by the second. Neither Percy or I were willing the boat to go there, but that's where it went.

As we got closer, the scene became clearer. There were shining whit buildings and a beach with the most random assortment of boats ever. It looked like every type of boat there ever was was docked on that island. As we joined the empty boats, a lady with a clipboard was ready there to greet us.

"Welcome!" She said in an all too happy voice. It reminded me of the guy over the intercom at the Princess Andromeda, minus the accent. She looked us over and I suddenly felt very conscious of my ratty clothes and banged up appearance. Compared to her, I looked like I'd spent the last month on the streets. She had a wrinkle free blue suit with matching shoes. Her hair was pulled back into a perfect ponytail and hair makeup was flawless.

"Is this your first time with us?" She asked.

All three of us exchanged a look of confusion.

"Ummm..." Annabeth so profusely answered.

"First—time—at—spa," The lady said each word as she wrote it down on her clipboard. "Let's see..."

I don't know why she assumed we were here for a spa appointment but at this point, anything was better than that piece of crap dingy we sailed all the way here.

She scanned us over once again. "Mmm. An herbal wrap to start for the young ladies. And of course, a complete makeover for the young gentleman."

"A what?" Percy asked.

"No she's right," I teased. Annabeth smiled, trying to suppress her laugh at Percy's expression of mock amusement.

"Haha, very funny," He said, turning to the lady. "Why don't they need complete make overs?" He complained, but the lady was to busy jotting down notes.

"Right!" She said with a breezy smile. "Well, I'm sure C.C. will want to speak with you personally before the luau. Come, please."

At the word luau, Percy's stomach grumbled and I'm surprised mine didn't follow suit. We had been hot and tired and hungry all day and this lady was offering us a solution to our problems. It seemed simple enough.

"I guess it couldn't hurt," Annabeth muttered.

Of course, this could all be a trap and we could be headed straight to our deaths but there was only one way to find out. Keep moving forward.

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