Finally, Home.

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       We arrived at camp in no time thanks to the centaurs' traveling powers. Clarisse had just arrived as we hopped off our ride.

      The party ponies were excited to meet Mr. D, they had heard he threw the best parties ever. However, Mr. D was in no mood to party.

     The last two weeks at camp hadn't been much better than our quest. The arts and crafts cabin had been burned down by some gigantic fire breathing lizard. The infirmary was being flooded by injured campers and the Apollo cabin had been working overtime to heal them.

     Everyone gathered wearily around Thalia's tree.

     As soon as Clarisse draped the Fleece over the tree, the camp felt more alive. The sweet smell of strawberries filled the air, the moonlight shone brighter than before, and a cool wind swept over the fields, ruffling the leaves of the trees. The pine needles began to go from yellow to green.

     We all cheered as we could feel the Fleece's magic healing the tree, ridding it of any poison.

     Chiron ordered that the tree be under non stop surveillance until he could find a permanent monster guard.

    The Ares cabin lifted Clarisse onto their shoulders and carried her away, back to their cabin. All the campers began to slowly scatter away from the tree. I spotted a familiar figure and walked up behind him.

    "My first quest and I don't even get a 'Congratulations, you didn't die'," I say as Connor turns around.

    "Cassidy!" He immediately hugs me and I laugh.

   "Technically," he said, letting go. "It was an unauthorized quest. So be thankful I'm not snitching."

   "You would never," I said.

   "You're right. I got a really good ghost story tonight. Me and Travis are gonna do a dramatic reading of 'The evil king who was barbarically eaten alive by the demonic breakfast pastries'."

    I laughed. "I'm not sure I've heard of that one."

   "Are you kidding me? It's a classic!"

   We made our way to the pavilion for dinner and I headed over to the Poseidon table where Percy was eating away at a large stake. I sat next to him and laughed.

   "What?" He asked.

    I wiped some steak sauce off of his face. "It's good to be home."

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