So Many Ships, So Little Time

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       "Really, little girls?" Circe sneered at the thought of two demigods being able to fight against her. "Blades against my magic? Is that really wise?"

     Internally, I was probably on Circe's side. It really wasn't wise and I wanted to run and hide. But Annabeth seemed confident in her plan, whatever that plan may be. Whether it was fake confidence or not, I couldn't tell, but I had no other choice than to back her up on it.

    Circe's attendants smiled and raised their hands, preparing to cast a spell.

    "What will Annabeth's makeover be?" Circe mused. "Something small and ill-tempered. I know...a shrew!"

     A blast of blue light hit Annabeth and I watched in horror, waiting for her to turn into a shrew. Instead, when the light cleared, Annabeth stood tall and angrier than before.

    Circe was taken aback. She turned to me and cast a different spell. Again, it hit me but with no affect. I was just as confused as she was.

    Annabeth took advantage of that confusion and pounced on Circe. She stuck a dagger to Circe's neck, "How about turning me into a panther instead? One that has her claws at your throat!"

     I looked down and realized what had saved us.

    "How!" Circe demanded.

     I picked up the vitamins and shook them. Circe looked enraged. "Curse Hermes and his multivitamins! Those are such a fad! They do nothing for you."

     "Nothing?" I asked, uncapped the bottle and opening the cage.

     "No!" Circe yelled.

      I poured the vitamins into the cage. One guinea pig reached for them faster than the others. Percy.

     Eventually they all caught on and started nibbling away at the vitamin. They grew too large for the cage and it popped open. I stepped back as a group of men lay there, one on top of the other. Thankfully they were clothed.

     A large man with a scraggly beard was the first to speak. "Arghhh!" He revealed his teeth to be the same pitch black color of his beard. "What's the witch done t'me!"

      "No!" Was all Circe seemed to be able to say. I looked past the big dude and saw all the other men looking confused. Then I saw Percy, standing there, awkwardly.

    I pushed past the man with the huge beard and tackled my brother in a hug.

     "What kind of an idiot gets turned into a guinea pig?" I asked as he hugged me back.

    "Clearly, not just me," He gestured all around the room to all the men who were previously in the cage with him.

     Annabeth gasped at the man who had spoken. "I recognize you! You're Edward Teach, son of Ares!"

    "Aye, lass," The man replied. "Though most call me Blackbeard! And there's the sorceress what captured us, lads. Run her through, and then I mean to find me a big bowl of celery! Arggggh!"

     Him and his fellow pirates all chased Circe and her attendants out the room. I went to the doors and looked outside. Everyone at the spa began to panic at the sight of the pirates running around screaming bloody murder. I retracted my sword and turned around. Annabeth was hugging Percy.

    "I'm glad you're not a guinea pig," she said, letting go.

    "Yeah, me too," His face turned a light shade of pink.

    Annabeth began taking the braids out of her hair and I followed suit.

    "C'mon," She said, walking towards me. "Let's get out of here while Blackbeard's keeping Circe busy."

    We ran out of the spa where chaos continued. The pirates were throwing everything around and lighting things on fire. I stopped and immediately wanted to go back and grab the girl who had brushed my hair. I knew I couldn't so I kept running.

    We got to the docks and scanned over all the ships.

   "Which one do we take?" Annabeth looked desperate to get out of there.

    "That one," I pointed to the most ancient ship on the dock. Annabeth looked at me like if I had grown another head.


    "She's right," Percy cut her off. "I can make it work."

    We ran closer to the ship.

    "How?" Annabeth asked.

    None of us offered an answer. Neither of us knew how.

    We examined the ship and heard a voice yell behind us. It was Blackbeard.

    "Argggh! Those scalawags are a-boarding me vessel! Get 'em, lads!"

     "We'll never get it going in time!" Annabeth yelled as we all climbed aboard.

     I looked around for any clue as to how to get the ship going. I concentrated on the waves and tried to push us forward. It wasn't working.

    I looked at Percy and his face lit up. "Mizzenmast!" He yelled.

    The ropes began to move on their own, pulleys that had been stationary for years functioned perfectly. It all felt so right.

    "Percy, how..." Annabeth ducked as cables flew around, positioning themselves in the right place.

    Percy walked over to me. "Try it."

    I focused on everything going on in the boat and tried to make it do what it had to but nothing happened. I concentrated as much as I could but felt nothing.

   I looked over at him. "I can't."

  "You can," he assured me. "Just don't think too much."

   I closed my eyes and felt the waves crashing against the boat. I felt the wind blow my hair back and the sea salt spray my face. I wanted to go deeper into the ocean.

   Immediately, the sails went up and we were pushed further into the ocean. The rudder began to turn and I felt connected to the ship.

    I smiled and slightly bounced on the balls of my feet.

    "You see!" Percy smiled at me.

    "That's so cool," I extended my arms outward and a blast of ice narrowly missed Annabeth. I immediately put my arms down, my excitement deflated.

   "Sorry!" I ran to Annabeth's side.

    "It's okay," she said. "Looks like we're back in the Sea of Monsters."

    That made me feel a little less better about being back at sea.

    Our boat sailed along, taking us to our next challenge.

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