Presenting the future: Rainbow Calling

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    I tried to understand what just happened but I honestly couldn't. The only thing I knew is that I had to send a thank you letter to the school for their horrible plumbing system. If it hadn't been for that I would be dead. Also, I had to thank Coach Hedge but first I had questions that needed answering.

     Coach just kept walking, looking for an exit, peeking behind his shoulder once in a while to make sure I was following.

  "Coach!" I yelled. "Hey, Coach!"

  I jogged to catch up to him. I grabbed his arm and made him face me. He wasn't that tall.

   "Can you stop for one second and explained to me what just happened back there!"

  "Listen," he said "we better get to camp before something like that happens again."

I could hear pity in his voice, as if he had gone through this before. At least he was having patience with me. At least he understood how confused I was.

He looked down and saw that I was still kind of limping from that stupid jump. He considered this for a moment.

"You need ambrosia." He said plainly, probably expecting me to know what that was. "The empousa injured you."

"It wasn't the monster." I replied. "I jumped from the top of the bleachers."

"Well that was stupid."

"Well it was either that or death!" I half shouted.

He didn't answer.

"Sorry." I muttered.

"Hey it's okay, kid, I get it your confused and shaken up and scared and-"

"I am not scared."

"Well you are confused and I understand that but we have to get to camp."

"What camp?"

  He sighed. "I've never been good at this. I should let Chiron explain."

  "Who's Chiron?"

"It'll be explained. I promise."

Those last two words hit me like a bucket of ice cold water. The last time I heard that... it hadn't gone so well.

  "Alright." I said. "Are we walking?"

"Heck no, kid!" He said. "It's too far a walk. Don't worry we're not leaving Long Island but it's sort of far. Do you want to contact your mom or dad to let them know?"

   I hesitated. I didn't like telling people about my life. I don't trust anyone.

  "My mom's not going to answer and I don't know my dad."

  "Well at least we know your godly parent's male."

   I'm not sure I heard right. Did he say godly? I didn't ask I just nodded.

  "First," he said, "let me warn cabin eleven they're going to have to make room."

He took out a gold coin. A drachma. Why did I know that? He looked at some sprinklers outside and walked toward them. I followed.

He was faster. He chanted something I couldn't quite hear. He threw the coin into the rainbow that the light was forming from the mist in the sprinkler. I thought he had lost his mind.

Then the coin disappeared as I got to his side. He stood still.

"Travis Stoll." He said. "Camp Half Blood."

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