Skipping Stones is Overrated, Try Boats!

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          "Thermos!" Tyson and I immediately understood what Percy needed.

          He slid the duffel bag off of him while I unzipped it and pulled out the thermos Hermes had given Percy and I a million years ago.

         An arrow whooshed past my ear grazing it and causing a sting. I winced in pain but managed to hand the Thermos to Percy.

        "Hold on!" Percy yelled over the whipping wind.

         "I am holding on!" Annabeth yelled back.


       Percy opened the thermos slowly and slightly. Tyson grabbed on to Percy and he had a two second debate on whether to give extra reinforcement to Annabeth or I but I nodded my head toward her and he grabbed on.

     The boat began to shoot sideways instead of downwards and I lost my grip on the boat. I was about to find out if Percy was right. Could I breathe underwater?

     But in seconds I felt a hand around my wrist pull me back to the boat. I turned and saw Annabeth hugging the boat with her free arm and pulling me down with the other.

     I yelled a word of gratitude but she went right back to ignoring me. I couldn't blame her.

      Our lifeboat skipped like a rock across the ocean until it came to a somewhat steady speed. We were no longer within the range of fire and the boat looked minuscule.

       After a long awkward silence, Annabeth suggested we called Chiron and tell him what was going on. The sea mist made a nice ocean spray in the air. Annabeth fished a drachma from her pocket and made the call.

     Chiron's connection was not good. The rushing noise on our end was horribly loud and he sounded like if he was at a night club. Or a frat party.

     Percy summed up what had happened as best he could but we weren't sure if Chiron had gotten the full story. Thankfully he left out the part of my confrontation with Luke.

     He yelled half a warning. "Percy, you have to watch out for-"

     We didn't catch the end of the sentence because there was loud whooping behind him. We all looked at each other in confusion, hoping somebody caught that.

     "What?" Percy yelled over the noise.

     "Curse my relatives!" Chiron shouted as a plate flew over his head. It broke as the shouts of joy continued.
"Annabeth, you shouldn't have let Percy leave camp. You especially shouldn't have taken Cassidy with you. But if you do get the Fleece-"

     "Yeah, baby!" a voice behind him exclaimed. "Woohoooo!" Definitely a frat party.

     The music blared so much louder, it shook our boat. Chiron looked worried. "Miami!" he managed over the noise. "I'll try to keep watch! Careful of the curse-"

    Then a bottle came hurtling towards us on his end and shattered our connection. We were left with an empty panorama of the ocean.

     "What curse?" Annabeth asked.

     I took a sudden interest in my shoes. Percy looked at me then back at Annabeth.

     "Not important right now," he said.

     "If Chiron felt the need to warn us about it, I think it is," Annabeth crossed her arms. When none of us offered an answer, she turned away and shunned us both. We sped ahead, anticipating a long boat ride.

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