Zombie Ship to the Rescue

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I was teleported out of my body and was watching everything go down from a third person perspective.

I saw myself, arms extended outwards towards Percy, shooting icy blasts at him. My eyes were a cold blue that reminded me of glaciers. I wanted to stop myself but my brain felt sluggish and I couldn't move.

Annabeth's face looked horrified. She ran towards me and tackled me to the ground but I pushed her off. She grabbed one of my wrists and I froze her hand to my arm, using my free hand to try and freeze Percy. The Hydra got in the way and instead I engulfed one of its heads in a frozen prison and it dropped like dead weight, making it hard for it to move.

Part of me felt relieved I had helped but when I saw the Cassidy that was actually on Earth at the moment, her face looked angry. She seemed dissatisfied with the fact she had helped Percy instead of the Hydra. I didn't like that Cassidy.

As Annabeth struggled to get off her- my -arm, something unexpected happened. I saw Annabeth stop struggling and Tyson momentarily paused smashing the Hydra's heads like a game of wack-a-mole.

"There!" A yell came from the water. "Prepare a 32-pounder!

Nobody dared taking their eyes off the monster, the Hydra. But they all listened attentively at the voices coming from behind them.

A gravelly male voice said, "They're too close, m'lady!"

"Damn the heroes!" the girl said. "Full steam ahead!"

"Aye, m'lady."

"Fire at will, Captain!"

Annabeth processed what was happening a split second before everyone else. She yelled, "Hit the deck!" And everyone dove. Being frozen to me, she had no choice but to drag me along. I don't know if she had forgotten she was attached to my arm, or if she did it on purpose, but when we dove, I hit the ground hard. My head bumped into a fallen tree and it knocked me back into my own body, just as something exploded on land.

As I groggily processed that I was back in control of my body, Annabeth's hand melted off of my arm. We were all covered in green goo, I presumed had come from the monster that had just exploded.

Annabeth scooted far away from me in a hurry, which made me feel bad. I was about to explain to her that that wasn't me. Well, it was but it wasn't. But just then, Tyson yelled, "Steamboat!"

We all turned. He was right. A steamboat chugged in the water. The most notable feature was a red flag with a boar's head. A flag I recognized from one of the cabins at Camp Half-Blood.

The ship was full of confederate soldiers with grey translucent skin. I could see their skulls and it freaked me out. What freaked me out most was their commander. The bully from camp, Clarisse, stood smack in the middle of the ship dressed in full armor.

She looked down at us. "Losers. But I suppose I have to rescue you. Come aboard."

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