Making New Friends is Easier at Camp

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        The next morning, Chiron announced the chariot races would be held as usual.

      The camp got really excited and started to choose partners. I was excited to see what Percy and Annabeth would come up with.

     After sword training, something I had gotten pretty good at, I sat with my back against the wall to rest a bit. I was sweaty and tired but I had managed to beat all of my opponents.

     "Hey," a camper had walked up to me without me noticing.

     I looked up at him. "Hi."

    "You're pretty good with that," he said, sitting next to me and gesturing at my sword.

    "Thanks," I said.

    "I'm Justin," he said.


     "I know."

     I raised an eyebrow.

     "The whole camp knows, you know, daughter of Poseidon and all."

     "Right," I nodded. There was an awkward silence.

     "So," I said. "Is there a reason you're sitting on a dirty floor making awkward small talk with a sweaty girl?"

     He laughed. "Is 'I wanted to get to know you better' a good enough reason?"

    I smiled. "I think so."

   Connor stumbled in, his hair stuck up in all sorts of places.

     "Casidilla," he said. I wish I knew how he and Travis could come up with so many nicknames. "Want to check out our new chariot?"

     "Obviously," I said, getting up. Connor grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the arena and I waved goodbye to Justin.

     Connor took me into the forges where two other teams were working on their chariots. I examined them with admiration, they were welded perfectly and the gears and axels were all coming along well.

    "You know your stuff," A tall guy said behind me. I hadn't realized I was judging the chariots out loud.

    "Charles Beckendorf," he introduced himself. He had a dark complexion and arms taught with muscles. His brown eyes shone with pride at his chariot. "Most people just call me Beckendorf."

    "Cassidy Malloy," I said.

    "Yeah, I know. You're Percy's sister. You came to check the competition?"

    I shook my head. "No, I'm not competing. I came to check out you're competition." I nodded my head towards Travis and Connor.

    He smiled. "Yeah, those guys always have some trick up their sleeve."

     I left Beckendorf to continue working on his chariot and even gave him a few suggestions. He let me in on his secret weapon- Greek fire. He explained how powerful it burned and how impossible it was to stop it.

    The Stolls had packed their chariot with so many booby traps, I actually thought they could win. They explained each one in detail as I made adjustments to them, making sure it was ready for racing. I spent all day in the forges, half the time working, half the time joking.

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