I Get a Makeover

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We were guided through a long hallway. Waterfalls draped on either side, highlighting the beautiful garden that ran through all the way. Flowers I had never seen bloomed beautifully at the spa.

I brought my hand up slightly and flicked it. I expected the waterfall to react to my command but it didn't budge. The water was enchanted, in the event of a fight, I couldn't use it to my advantage.

Annabeth noticed me flicking my hand. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing," I immediately relaxed my hand as Hylla turned around. She smiled and turned left. Annabeth and I followed.

We entered a room, smaller than the one with C.C. but still fairly large. The decor was about the same, just a little messier. In the middle of the room sat a young girl about our age.

"This is my sister, Reyna," Hylla introduced her. She waved and gestured for me to take a seat. I walked over to her.

Hylla pulled out a seat for Annabeth, right next to me.

"What don't you like about yourself?" She asked Annabeth.

"My hair," She responded quicker than I thought. "Everyone always assumes that since I'm blonde, I'm stupid."

Hylla nodded. "Well, we're not going to change the color, but I think I know what will make you feel better."

She got to work on Annabeth's hair.

"Cassidy," Hylla said, without facing me. "What don't you like about yourself?"

Pretty much everything at the moment, I thought. Out loud I said "I don't know."

"Very well," Hylla nodded. "Reyna, do as you see fit."

Reyna smiled and nodded. She turned me towards a large mirror where I could see all my flaws.

"You're hair is very pretty," Reyna said, mainly to break the awkward tension. Annabeth and Hylla were having a casual chat about the architecture of the place.

"Uh, thanks," I answered.

Reyna began to pour oils in my hair from overly decorative bottles. Every so often she would glance at what her sister was doing. Once she was sure she was completely focused on Annabeth, she crouched down and whispered in my ear. "Are you a demigod, too?"

I was taken aback by her question, thinking this was a trap. But she continued on, pretending to be focused on my hair. "I'm the daughter of Bellona."

I had never heard of that name before, but I was new to this so I figured that'd be common. "Sea god," I said. She smiled.

"I knew it."

I gave her an inquisitive look to which she answered, "You smell like the ocean, and your eyes look like the sea."

"How's it going over there?" Hylla called out.

"Good!" We both answered. We shared a laugh and she announced she was finished.

I don't know what she did to my hair but it looked as if I was getting ready to go to the fanciest event of the year.

A braid made of my own hair extended over like a headband and was tucked behind my ear. Front strands of my hair had been cut and used for framing my face. Curls shined all the way up to my waist with random braids scattered here and there.

"It looks beautiful," I heard Annabeth say.

I turned to look at her and it seemed the same magic had been worked on her. Her hair fell perfectly in a half up do with braids in different patterns.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I said.

"We're not done yet, girls," Hylla said, happily. "We still have to fix those clothes up."

She walked over to a wardrobe that took up about half the wall. When she opened it, a beautiful array of dresses was revealed. Every color in the world could be found there. She pulled out a gorgeous white one and handed it to Annabeth.

"Put this on," she commanded.

She turned back to the closet and pulled out a black dress with fallen sleeves different lengths of layers of a thin fabric. It was similar to Annabeth's, yet noticeably different.

"Here you go," She handed that one to me.

She went to go check on Annabeth.

I went behind a curtain and slipped my dirty clothes off. Reyna handed me a bottle with a green liquid inside.

"Pour it over your body," she said.

I did as she told me and I instantly felt refreshed. My whole body had been cleaned and I felt momentarily at ease.

I slipped the dress on and stepped out. Reyna scanned me over and smiled.

"You look stunning!" She said

She lead me to the mirror and I audibly gasped. Only moments ago it had looked like they plucked me off the street, but now it looked like I had been living in royalty my whole life. Not one thing was out of place.

It didn't feel right.

"Don't you think it's too much?" I asked Reyna.

She hesitated and looked like she was about to give an honest answer but her sister walked in with Annabeth.

Annabeth looked beyond gorgeous. The dress fit her as if it was made specially for her. I smiles at her.

"Wow," I said.

"I know!" She seemed really happy about her new appearance. "You look great, too."

"Let's go show Miss C.C. your new look," Hylla said.

I waved goodbye to Reyna, thanked her, and we followed Hylla out of the room.

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