Someone Gets Fired

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        When I was little, I thanked the gods that Luke had found me. Now, I felt the complete opposite.

    The bear twins were back and one of them grabbed Grover and Annabeth in each paw. The other grabbed me tightly.

     Tyson yelled and made an attempt to attack the bear brothers but Luke shoved his sword deeper into Percy's throat.

    "Percy," Luke said, calmly. "Tell your giant to back down or I'll have Oreius bash your friends' heads together."

    Oreius lifted Grover and Annabeth off the ground as they struggled to get out of his grip. Tyson backed down.

     "What do you want, Luke?" Percy snarled.

     He smiled, gesturing to the largest boat in the dock, something we had failed to notice. The Princess Andromeda.

    "Why, to extend my hospitality, of course."


     Agrius and Oreius violently escorted us on board. We were thrown next to a swimming pool, in front of different types of monsters, some that I recognized from Grover's descriptions.

    "And so, the Fleece," Luke said, scanning us over. "Where is it?"

   When none of us offered an answer, he began to prod at Percy with his sword. Finding nothing, he poked Grover's jeans next.

   Grover let out a bleat. "Hey! That's real goat fur under there!"

    "Sorry, old friend." Luke smiled apologetically. "Just give me the Fleece and I'll leave you to return to your, ah, little nature quest."

    "Some old friend," Grover muttered.

    "Maybe you didn't hear me," Luke pointed his sword at my throat. "Where—is—the—Fleece."

    I looked him straight in the eye. "Not here."

   "We sent it ahead of us," Percy snarled. "You messed up."

   Luke slightly lowered his sword. "You're bluffing. You couldn't have-"

    His face reddened with anger as he realized.

    Percy nodded.

   "You trusted... You gave..."

    He seemed too shocked to form a complete sentence.

   "Yeah." Now it was Percy's turn to speak calmly while Luke worried.

    "Agrius," He barked.


    "Get below and prepare my steed. I need to fly to the Miami Airport, fast."

    "But boss-"

    "Do it!" Luke yelled. "Or I'll feed you to the drakon!"

    Agrius hesitantly let me go. Before I could even make a move to bring out my sword, three more monsters were on me.

   Luke cursed in Ancient Greek and paced around the fountain. I could feel a snake ladies hot breath down my neck and shuddered. Luke took this as a bad sign.

    "Don't even try it, Cas," He warned.

     I had slipped up in front of him and Thalia, somehow he still remembered. What he didn't remember was that I didn't know how to control it.

     "You've been toying with us all along," Percy said, causing Luke to shift his attention to him. "You wanted us to bring you the Fleece and save you the trouble of getting it."

    "Of course, you idiot," Luke scoffed. "And you've messed everything up!"

    "Traitor!" Percy screamed all of a sudden. He dug in his pocket and threw his drachma at Luke.

    That was the worst attempt at attacking I had ever seen. Luke easily dodged it.

    "You tricked all of us!" Percy fumed. "Even DIONYSUS at CAMP HALF-BLOOD"

     I realized what he was trying to do now. The mist behind Luke shimmered, revealing a clear picture of Camp Half Blood.

    Percy uncapped his sword, keeping the attention on him. Luke didn't feel threatened at all.

    "This is no time for heroics, Percy." He said. "Drop your puny little sword, or I'll have you killed sooner rather than later."

     "Who poisoned Thalia's tree, Luke?" Percy asked.

     "I did, of course," he said. "I already told you that. I used elder python venom, straight from the depths of Tartarus."

     "Chiron had nothing to do with it?"

     "Ha! You know he would never do that. The old fool wouldn't have the guts."

     "You call it guts? Betraying your friends? Endangering the whole camp?"

     Percy now stood in more of a fighting stance. Luke followed. "You don't understand the half of it. I was going to let you take the Fleece... once I was done with it."

     That caught Percy off guard but realization dawned on his face and he quickly recovered.

     "You were going to heal Kronos."

    "Yes!" Luke bragged. "The Fleece's magic would've sped his mending process by tenfold. But you haven't stopped us, Percy. You've only slowed us down a little."

     "And so you poisoned the tree, you betrayed Thalia, you set us up-all to help Kronos destroy the gods." Percy concluded.

    Luke was sick of the distraction. "You know that! Why do you keep asking me?"

    "Because I want everybody in the audience to hear you."

   "What audience?"

     Luke turned around to see Mr. D and all of camp on the other end of the Iris message. His monsters all gasped as if it were rehearsed.

    "Well," Dionysus looked unfazed, "some unplanned dinner entertainment."

    "Mr. D, you heard him," Percy said, as if he were speaking to a judge. "You all heard Luke. The poisoning of the tree wasn't Chiron's fault."

     Mr. D looked down at his drink. "I suppose not."

    "The Iris-message could be a trick," Tantalus speculated, though he wasn't paying full attention. He was trying to sneak up on a cheeseburger.

     "I fear not," Mr. D looked over at Tantalus with distaste. "It appears I shall have to reinstate Chiron as activities director. I suppose I do miss the old horse's pinochle games."

     Tantalus managed to get hold of the cheeseburger. Pure shock spread across his face as he held onto it with greed.

     "I got it!" He exclaimed.

     "We are no longer in need of your services, Tantalus," Mr. D said. Tantalus turned paler than usual. "What? But-"

     "You may return to the Underworld. You are dismissed."

    "No! But-"

     He tried to take a bite of the cheeseburger but just before he could bring it to his mouth, he dissolved. The burger fell back on the table, unbitten.

    The campers burst out in joy. Even confetti was thrown all over.

    Stolls, I thought with a smile.

    Luke roared in anger. He slashed his sword over the mist, dissolving the Iris message.

    Percy looked proud, until Luke turned to him, intentions to kill.

      "Kronos was right, Percy. You're an unreliable weapon. You need to be replaced."

      One of the few people on the boat that looked human blew a whistle. Double doors burst open as more of his goons poured out, holding spears.

     Luke smiled at Percy. "You'll never leave this boat alive."

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