Death Sheep, Not Cool

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         As our boat docked, the air seemed sweeter. Annabeth breathed in deeply, "The Fleece."

    Considering it was a powerful cyclops' island, it didn't look all too scary. It was a picture perfect island, with the exception of a huge chasm with a rope bridge. I really hoped we wouldn't have to cross that.

    "If we take it away, will the island die?" Percy asked.

     Annabeth shook her head. "It'll fade. Go back to what it would be normally, whatever that is."

     We shifted our gaze over to the base of a ravine where a ton of sheep were aimlessly walking around. The sheep were huge, about three times the size of a regular sheep. Past them was a path that led to the hills. At the end of that path, stood an oak tree with something glittering in the branches.

     "It's too easy," Percy spoke what I was thinking. "We could just hike up there and take it?"

    "There's supposed to be a guardian," Annabeth said. "A dragon or..."

    "There's the sheep," I pointed out.

    "They're just sheep," Percy said.

    "Sheep the size of hippos," Annabeth speculated.

     In the middle of our discussion, a deer stepped out from behind the bushes.

    All the sheep bleated at once and in a swift, furry, white movement, they were on top of the dear. Grass flew into the air along with tufts of fur.

    Just as soon as they'd attacked, they dispersed. In the place of the deer, stood a pile of clean white bones. I was glad I hadn't eaten anything because I was sure I would've puked it right there.

    "They're like piranhas," Annabeth said.

    "Big piranhas," I added.

    "Piranhas with wool," Percy said. "How will we-"

    "Percy," Annabeth grabbed Percy's arm and pulled me closer by my shirt. "Look."

    She pointed to the beach beyond the sheep, where a boat had docked itself. A lifeboat from the CSS Birmingham. Clarisse's ship.

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