I Swear the Fish Horse Won't Bite

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We both looked up at the stranger who seemed to have lost interest in us and was now looking at the stars.

I thought I should've known him, but his face didn't ring any bells. He was tall and slim, his hair looked like someone had sprinkled salt and pepper on top.

Percy had told me that the barriers protected mortals from entering so he couldn't have been just any regular guy walking on the beach.

"Beautiful, aren't they?" He asked, referring to the stars.

"May I join you?" He asked looking back at us. "I haven't sat down in ages."

I looked at Percy, thinking he would have more common sense then to let a random stranger (possibly murderer) have a midnight snack with us. Clearly, he hasn't gotten brighter in the past days i've known him.

"Uh sure," he replied scooting over some more, forcing me to also make space for our newfound stranger.

"Ah, you're hospitality does you credit," he sighed, taking a seat besides Percy. "Oh, and a Coca-Cola, may I?"

Percy handed him one and he took a sip.

"Ah, that hits the spot, peace and quiet at-"

"Who are you?" I asked, interrupting him. He opened his mouth to answer but his cell phone began to ring. He looked disappointed, as if he did not wish to receive calls anymore.

When he took out his phone, Percy and I were taken aback. It was glowing in an unnatural way and when he extended his antenna two snakes wrapped around it, hissing in protest.

The man did not seem to notice or just didn't care.

"I've gotta take this just a sec," he answered his phone. "Hello?"

The snakes kept moving up and down the antenna, and the man didn't even flinch.

"Yeah" he said, "Listen- I know, but... I don't care if he is chained to a rock with vultures picking on his liver, if he doesn't have a tracking number we can't locate his package..."

I side glanced at Percy and he gave me an inquisitive look.

"If we run right now, we might be able to make it to the cabin," I whispered.

"Give him a sec," he said, turning his attention back to the snake guy.

"Yeah, just refer him to Eris in customer service, I gotta go," Snake Dude hung up his phone.

"Sorry, the overnight express business is just booming. Now as I was saying-"

"You have snakes on your phone," Percy cut him off.

"What? Oh, they don't bite," he turned the antenna so that the snakes were facing us. "Say hello, George and Martha."

Hello, George and Martha, a voice spoke in my head and I scooted back.

"Please tell me y'all hear the voices too"

Don't be sarcastic, a female voice this time, still in my head.

Percy and I looked at each other and I could tell he was also hearing it.

Why not, the male demanded, I assumed, George. I do all the real work.

"Oh let's not get into that again," Snake Dude spoke out loud. He shoved his phone back in his pocket, acting like nothing had happened.

"Now, where were we? Ah yes, peace and quiet."

He looked up at the stars, focusing on each one for a couple of seconds and moving.

"Any favorite constellations?" He asked.

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