Cool cabin, bit spacious don't you think?

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    Cabin 11 was pretty crowded.

Everybody was preparing to leave so more than half the cabin was already outside in the commons, but their stuff was all over the floor. Then I realized that it wasn't just stuff that had fallen to the floor it was sleeping bags and personal belongings. The cabin was so crowded there wasn't even enough floor space, let alone beds.

Travis led me all the way to the back of the cabin where there was an organized sleeping bag. On top was a folded orange shirt and a pair of jeans.

"This is where you'll be sleeping." Travis turned to me and smiled. When he saw my expression his smile faltered. "I know, kinda crowded but maybe you'll get claimed soon and you can join your siblings." Travis looked away. " Or maybe we are your siblings."

"Hey, if the shirts are bright orange, how do y'all blend in when you're in the mortal world?" I asked.

"That was exactly my point in the camp meetings." This came from a new voice from behind an open trunk at an actual bed.

"Newbie?" He asked closing his trunk. When I saw his face, I was a little startled. At first glance, you'd think they cloned Travis and made him a centimeter shorter. But then I started focusing more on small features. If you swept the hair out of his face you could evidently see way more freckles. His nose was a bit more upturned that Travis'. He also looked slightly younger.

"Cassidy," Travis said. "this is my brother, both godly and mortal, Connor. Connor, this is the new blood, Cassidy Malloy."

"Nice to meet you, Cas." Connor held out his fist for a fist bump. I obliged.

"She been claimed by Dad or..."

"Undetermined," Travis answered. "Actually can you maybe take her to the pavilion after she's settled in, I have to go lead our cabin to lunch."

"Totally, see ya, loser."

"Later." Travis walked out of the cabin and so did the rest of the kids, except for Connor.

"So where you from?" Connor asked.

I set my book bag on top of my sleeping bag and emptied my notebooks out. "Texas, moved to New York, you?"

"Arizona, me and my brother were taken to camp when I was eight and he was ten." Travis answered. "Five years ago, and my mom still doesn't give a damn where we disappear to in the summer."

"You go visit her often?"

"Only sometimes, most times we're year rounders. Why go to a house when you're already home?" Connor sighed. "How about you, who's worried sick about you right now?"

I hesitated. "No one, I presume-"

"Ooo 'presume', fancy word," Connor cut me off, "Athena claiming you tonight?"

"Probably not, my mom died years ago."

"Oh." His humor seemed to fade. "I'm sorry."

"I've never understood why people say that," I said throwing away all of my notebook except for the green one. "What are you sorry for? You didn't murder my mom. It wasn't you responsible for her death. It's not going to make me feel better. So why?"

"I didn't mean to offend you," Connor looked a little nervous. "I'm so-" he stopped himself.

"No I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't mean for it to come out so rudely. I'm just not in the mood to talk about it. A lot happened today and I feel like my brain is going to explode." I opened my notebook at random.

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