An Old Friend

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       Chiron, Annabeth, and Percy walked Thalia up to the Big House. I walked back to my cabin in a daze. Instead, I ended up at the door of the Hermes cabin. I sat outside of it, waiting for Connor.

    After a few minutes, he walked up to the cabin.

    "Hey, Cassie-cakes," he plopped himself down next to me. "Crazy night huh?"

     I nodded.

   "So why aren't you in your cabin?" He asked.

    "I need a favor."

    "Does it involve money?"


    "Than what can I do for you?"

     I stayed silent. Thalia coming back made me remember parts of my past. Including my friend who I suspected to be a son of Hecate, since he was able to do similar things. We were so young, we knew nothing of gods and monsters and the real world. I remembered him so well.

   "Casa nova," Connor said. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what you need help with."

    I sighed. "You know every camper here right?"

   "Right," He repeated.

   "Okay, so, what if there's a child of a minor god. There's only cabins for the twelve Olympians. Where would they go?"

    He raised an eyebrow. "Looking for someone in particular?"

    "Well," I tried delaying my question. "On Circe's Island, she produced fire from her hands."

     I paused, not really sure if I should go through with this. After all, if he wasn't here I'd just be disappointed. If he was, I would try to avoid him, not knowing what to say.

     Connor nodded at me to go on.

    "I've seen that before, in a dream- or memory- or... Honestly, I don't know what it was but I know I saw it."

    "And, you're wondering if that person somehow ended up here?"

     I nodded.

    "How long ago was this... memory?" Connor asked.

    "About seven years ago," I said in a questioning tone. I honestly wasn't sure myself.

      "That's a long time Cassie."

      "I know," I sighed. "But I saw it. I know I did."

     "I believe you," Connor said. He got up getting ready to go back to bed as the last of the campers filed in.

    "What's the name?" He asked.

     I pondered for second. I was so small at the time, with such a big imagination, it could've just been that. Maybe my mid just thought I saw fire. And what if he was at camp? Would he even recognize me? I wondered if he remembered my little icy slip up. I doubt he even remembered me. And what if all children of Hecate were evil. How would I possibly be his friend.

    I sighed and looked up at Connor.

   "His name was Leo Valdez."

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