Don't Yell at Carrisa

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           Annabeth's hammock was directly next to mine. I swung back and forth, bumping into her occasionally. She didn't mind though, I was rocking both of us at the same time.

      As I listened to Tyson's loud snores overpower Percy's light breathing, I drifted off to sleep. Of course, not peaceful.

       In my dream, I saw Mr. D walking deep into the woods. Every once in awhile he would glance back to make sure no one was following him. He stopped at the edge of a creek.

     He sat down and opened a can of Diet Coke. The lake spray made a mist in the air that he seemed to enjoy. He fished something out of his Hawaiian shirt pocket. A drachma.

     He looked around one last time, making sure he was alone, and he threw it into the faded rainbow. He requested the call in such a low voice that I couldn't hear. I urged my dream-self to move closer.

     The Iris Message showed the face of Chiron. He looked exhausted and the noise had died down from when we had called him.

    "Ah, Dionysus," he spoke. "I suppose you don't bring good omens."

     "The borders are weaker than ever. Percy better hurry up and find the Golden Fleece or this camp's not going to last long." It surprised me to hear Mr. D so concerned. And actually using Percy's name.

    "I'm afraid the quest is not his alone to complete, an unlikely bond is in need for this particular task."

    "Well, whatever needs to happen, better happen quick." A branch cracked behind Mr. D and he turned his head straight in my direction. I don't know why I was startled, It was just a dream. He turned his attention back to the rainbow.

     "I'll keep you updated if anything changes, tell Fred I send my regards," Mr. D concluded.

     "I will," Chiron waved his hand over the rainbow and his image vanished. Mr. D turned again to where I was standing.

     "Well?" He demanded. "What are you doing, wasting your time sleeping for? Go do something useful, Carrisa!"

    I woke up, the rest of the crew asleep. Except for Annabeth.

    "How about we get some training in?" She took out her dagger. I nodded and we stepped above deck.

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