Sheep Taxi, Still Better Than Regular Taxi

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       For hours, we had tried everything to remove the boulder. From slashing it with our swords to pushing all our weight on it. It didn't budge.

     We also tried screaming at Grover and Clarisse on the other end but if they heard us they gave no sign of it.

    We sat in disappointment as we watched the Cyclops in the distance. He was feeding his man eating sheep some meat. I didn't want to know where it had come from.

    "I wish those stupid sheep would eat him," I muttered.

    Percy laughed but Annabeth looked deep in thought. I'm not even sure she heard me.

    "Annabeth?" I asked.

    "Trickery," She said.


    "We can't beat him by force, so we'll have to use trickery."

    "Okay," Percy said. "What trick?"

    "Haven't gotten that far yet," Annabeth said.

    "Great," I sighed.

    "Polyphemus will have to move the boulder to let the sheep inside," Annabeth reminded us.

    "At sunset," Percy confirmed. "When he'll marry Clarisse and have Grover for dinner. I'm not sure which is grosser."

    "Definitely Clarisse," I said. "At least Grover's being cooked with mango."

     Annabeth took out her cap, "I could get inside, invisibly."

     "What about us?" Percy asked.

     She looked around. A lightbulb seemed to go on in her head. She gave us a sly look, one that I wasn't too fond of.

     "How much do you guys like sheep?"


    "Just don't let go," Annabeth whispered. Her voice came somewhere off to my left, next to Percy.

    "Easy for you to say," I hissed. "You're not hanging upside down from a giant sheep!"

     Even though she was invisible, I could feel Annabeth's smile. Her plan was amusing to her. I had to admit that when I looked over at Percy, the only thing containing my laughter was the fact that I looked just as ridiculous as him.

    We had crawled under the sheep and held on to their wool for dear life. I apologized to my sheep before going on his belly, but I don't think it minded much. I did though. His stench was horrible.

    The sun was going down as we heard Polyphemus shout, "Oy! Goaties! Sheepies!"

    The flock began their ascent up the hill.

    "I'll be close by," Annabeth whispered. "Don't worry."

     As crazy as it sounded, I trusted her. The plan was pretty smart, uncomfortable, but smart nonetheless.

    After a few feet of transportation via sheep, it got difficult. The sheep waddled and it took all my strength not to let go and fall off. The thought of the monster spotting me was more terrifying than the stench so I held on tighter.

    "Hasenpfeffer!" Polyphemus began patting the sheep as they entered the cave. "Einstein! Widget-eh there, Widget!"

     Polyphemus patted Percy's sheep and nearly knocked him off. "Putting on some extra mutton there?"

     I winced at the sight of Percy being jiggled back and forth. I prayed the cyclops didn't pick up Widget.

     Polyphemus just laughed and swatted the sheep's rear end. "Go on, fatty! Soon Polyphemus will eat you for breakfast!"

     Mine followed right behind and just like that, we had made it in the cave.

     The last of the sheep were falling in. Annabeth distraction had to come soon or that door would seal again, with us inside.

    As Polyphemus put his hand on the boulder to put it back in place, a voice shouted from the outside, "Hello, ugly!"

     Annabeth's distraction had started.

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