I Get a Sword Upgrade

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        The next morning, everyone who wasn't competing in the race sat on the bleachers. The air buzzed with excitement.

     "This seat taken?" Justin took a seat next to me.

     "It is now," I said. We started talking about the advantages each chariot had when I spotted Tyson walking over to me. For an Ares kid, he wasn't too bad.

     He had just finished talking with Percy, Tyson had given him something.

     "Hey, Tyson," I smiled at him.

     "Hello, sister," he smiled back at me. "I found something."

      I gave him an inquisitive look as he reached into his pocket. He took out a small pice of metal. I gasped.

     It was the same thing I had seen the night Hermes sent us on our quest. The same thing I'd seen at the bottom of the ocean when Clarisse's ship exploded.

     "Tyson!" I took it from his hand. "Where did you get this?"

     "Found it," He answered simply. "I cleaned it and added clip. For your bracelet."

      The piece of metal revealed itself to be a trident. The symbol of Poseidon. It's luster was gorgeous and it shined at my touch. Tyson had added a small hoop on top. I held it up to one of the many empty hoops on my bracelet and it glowed brightly. I pulled my hand away and when the glow dimmed, the charm had welded itself to my bracelet.

    Tyson clapped proudly. "It fits!"

    I tried pulling it off but nothing happened. I pulled the only other charm, the seashell, and my sword sprung to life.

    I closely examined the hilt. The complete blank space now had a small design on it. It had three little figures fighting a monster. Immediately, I knew the figures were Tyson, Percy and I. I smiled and retracted it to my bracelet.

    "I love it," I told Tyson. He was content and sat down to watch the race.


     A whistle blew, signaling the start of the race. We all cheered for our respective cabins. I yelled encouragement to both Percy and the Stolls.

     Connor had began a fight with Clarisse in the Ares chariot. Percy and Annabeth passed them in a turn. Apollo cabin advanced on them, shooting a javelin into their wheel. I could hear the spokes snap all the way from the bleachers. They wobbled violently but kept advancing.

    Behind them, Beckendorf was gaining speed. Clarisse continued to fight with Connor. For someone who mostly play pranks, he wasn't too shabby in a fight.

     Annabeth grabbed a javelin and threw it at the Apollo chariot, hitting the fighter square in the chest. He toppled on top of the driver and they were sent flying out of their chariot. Groans went up from cabin seven. Cheers exploded from the Athena cabin and I.

     Beckendorf pressed a button on his chariot and cables shot out, attaching themselves to Percy and Annabeth's chariot.

     Percy gave the reigns over to Annabeth and frantically uncapped his sword, easily cutting off the ropes.

     Beckendorf seemed unfazed. He pulled up next to them, taking out his sword, and took a slash at Annabeth. Percy blocked every strike.

    Beckendorf threw a small pouch at their chariot. The Greek fire.

    Percy kept fighting with Beckendorf, trying to kick the pouch off with his foot. He couldn't seem to get it off.

    Swords clashed as Percy ducked and slapped something on his wrist. A shield materialized. He raised it up and Beckendorf's sword shattered against it.

    They both looked equally shocked. I assumed that's what Tyson had given Percy before the race.

    Percy took Beckendorf's shock to his advantage and slammed the shield against his chest, sending him flying out of the chariot. More groans from the Hephaestus cabin.

    The pouch was beginning to shoot green sparks everywhere. Percy flipped it up in the air with his sword, like a spatula with a patty. He threw it to the driver on the Hephaestus chariot.

    The driver's eyes widened and he jumped off the chariot just as the Greek fire exploded.

    Percy and Annabeth crossed the finish line. Cheers erupted from the bleachers as we all ran down to congratulate them. We started chanting their names but Annabeth waved her hands, asking for silence.

    Our roar died down a little bit, enough to hear what Annabeth had to say.

    "We couldn't have done it without somebody else! We couldn't have won this race or gotten the Fleece or saved Grover or anything! We owe our lives to Tyson, Percy's..."

     "Brother!" Percy finished loudly. "Tyson, my baby brother."

      I cheered louder than anyone else in the crowd. Annabeth held her hands up again, not finished yet.

     "And also, to our newest camper, and my new best friend," she pulled me next to her and slung her arm around me. "Cassidy!"

     "Cassidy!" The crowd echoed. I smiled at her and she shoved me playfully. She turned and kissed Percy on the cheek. The crowd got louder after that.

    They all carried us on their shoulders to Chiron, who was waiting to bestow the two laurel wreaths upon the winners.

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