Eavesdropping 101: Get a Cyclops

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"Either we all go or none of us go." Percy and Annabeth had spent the last three minutes arguing our plan of attack. Annabeth wanted to go alone because of her invisibility cap but Percy wouldn't let her.

"Nobody!" Tyson gave his opinion. "Please?"

I sympathized. Percy and Annabeth did not take his opinion into account and kept debating. I pushed the door open and walked out. If we spent anymore time arguing, we would just get caught. As I suspected, all three of them followed me out.

We stopped by our suite to pick up our stuff. Everyone had gotten something special put into their duffel bags. I had gotten a bag of paper clips. I don't know how Hermes knew that I had a habit of playing with them, but I wasn't complaining. I took a couple out and stuffed them in my pocket.

We gave all our bags to Tyson. He insisted on carrying all of them.

Our only way of getting around was through the maps located in different areas of the ship. Most of them had "you are here" stickers on them that made it easier to navigate.

I stopped abruptly when something caught my eye on the side of the boat. Something about the ocean didn't look right but I couldn't seem to put my finger on it.

I tapped Percy and he turned around. I pointed to random spots in the sea and asked "What up with the water?"

He focused a little more and got closer to the edge of the ship. Before either of us could figure it out, Annabeth pushed us all into a supply closet.

"What the-" Annabeth cut me off by putting her mouth over my hand. I heard people approaching and realized she'd been trying to hide us.

I took in my surroundings, taking a mental note of all the supplies in here. Always good to know what was around you.

"You see that Aethiopian drakon in the cargo hold?" a male voice said.

The guy with him laughed. "Yeah, it's awesome."

Percy's arm seemed to wobble and I assumed it was Annabeth shaking him. She was still invisible so it was hard to tell.

As the voices faded down the hallway, Annabeth removed her cap.

"That was Chris Rodriguez!" She told Percy. "You remember- from Cabin Eleven!"

Tyson and I were obviously lost but Percy seemed to vaguely recognize the name. He looked troubled. "What's another half blood doing here?"

Annabeth shook her head. If she didn't have an answer, I knew we were in serious trouble.

We stepped out of the closet and continued forward. Annabeth stopped to look over the edge of the deck.

"Guys," she said. Her next words seemed to get stuck in her throat but she pointed down below.

There was an arrangement of stores, built like a shopping center. That wasn't what caught her attention.

A hoard of monsters assembled in front of a store. It made my blood go cold to see so many mythical creatures in one place like this. If I wasn't looking at it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it's real.

Annabeth identified two of the monsters. "Scythian Dracanae," she whispered. "Dragon women."

I could see who she was talking about. Two sort of human creatures with tails for legs made their way towards the crowd.

Then I saw what they were all gathered around.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," I said to no one in particular, "but is that dummy wearing a camp shirt?"

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