Chapter 2

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I silently walked over to a seat and set my bag down, scanning for Mikey. I shut my eyes trying not to fall asleep. I was tired and jet lagged. Thank god that there are hardly any people, but what did I expect? Its 3 A.M. here.

Then I spotted him. He had grown up a lot since the last time I saw him. His hair was black and red, he had gotton taller, shoulders squarer, and his jawline had become more prominent. He saw me looking at him, smiled, and ran over. He engulfed me in a huge bear hug. I squeezed him as tightly as I could, scared that if I let go, he would leave me too.

"Hey kiddo." he said quietly.

"Hey Mikey." I whispered, knowing that my voice would crack. We held each other. I didn't want him to let go, but he put me back onto the ground.

"Let's go get your bags, sweet girl." he said. He called me that when he was trying to comfort me. I didn't want to feel anything, for in fear that I would be forced to remember that my parents are gone and I would never see them again. I hadn't processed it yet. I had only cried once, and that was because I had to leave my best friend. I was in denial and I knew that. I knew I would break down eventually, but now was not the time or the place for that. I was trying to be calm and stoic.

We waited in the baggage claim for about 10 minutes before I grabbed my three suitcases. "Jesus child, how many suitcases do you need?" He said jokingly. I exhaled a laugh. He gave me a side hug. I winced and pulled away quickly.

"What's wrong? Did I pull too tightly?" He asked quickly.

"Calm down. Being hit by another car does some damage to your body." I lifted my shirt up a little to show him my stitches in my stomach.

We got into his car and started to drive home. What was home? I wasn't sure, but I knew I'd have to get used to calling it that. Bloom where you're planted, and all that. "You can rest you know. It'll be an hour before we get home." He said quietly.

"That's okay. Can we just talk instead? I haven't exactly gotton to talk to you for a while." I said, a condescending tone. He looked over at me with a sad expression on his face.

"Don't. Don't pull that card." He said sadly. "We can talk about that someother time." Without arguing, I looked out my window.

We talked the whole way home about what has been happening in our lives. I knew about his band, but what I didn't know is that we would all be living in the same house. "What if they don't like me? I'm not exactly the most social person in the world, Mikey." I grumbled.

"They will like you, I promise." He said, trying to be reassuring. It wasn't working. Not one bit. "We're home." Mikey said quietly. We turned into a long driveway that had a basketball hoop on one side. It was a really nice house and from what I could see, it wasn't a mansion, but it wasn't tiny either.  He parked the car into the garage and we both got out. I collected one suitcases out of the back of the car and rolled them up to the door leading inside from the garage. He shut the garage door and grabbed my remaining two bags and opened the house door for me. The light above the stove was on, but the darkness was keeping me from seeing the rest of the house. "The boys won't be up, considering it's 4:30 in the morning. You're room is up here." I followed his phone flashlight up the wooden stairs without saying a word. He opened the last door on the left and put two of my suitcases right inside the door. The lamp on the bedside table was already on, I saw a queen size bed pushed into the corner by the window, a white dresser, a closet, and a bathroom. Nothing fancy. It's nice. "Sorry if it's not eno-"

"Mikey, it is perfect" I smiled, interrupting."I love it." He stood in my doorway as I rolled my remaining suitcase in. He put his hands in his pockets and stared at me.

"Do you want me to... Sleep in here... I don't know, I feel like I should act like a parent now..." Michael smiled at me.

"Please, do not act like a parent. Act like my brother, I know this will be hard to manoeuvre. Let's agree that we'll bring it up if the other oversteps?" I say, moving my bags to the side of the room. "And you don't have to sleep with me. I'll let you know if I need... Anything." I said awkwardly, keeping my eyes on my bags.

He smiled. "Well, bedroom is just right down the hall on the left, closest to the stairs. I'm going to bed." He hugged me tightly and kissed my head.

"I love you." I said, my arms loose.

"I love you too." He said. He let go of me and went to his room, shutting the door behind him. I didn't want to sleep because I wasn't tired. I decided that I would have a look around before everyone else woke up. That's exactly what I did.

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