Chapter 37

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I rolled over to part of the couch that wasn't there. I fell to the floor, face first. I was to lazy and tired to actually get up, so I just laid there. I heard someone walk out and let out a small laugh. "Are you okay?" It was Rian.

"Mhm." I replied without moving an inch.

"Any reason you're laying on the floor?" He walked over and sat on the couch. I shook my head and sat up, leaning against the couch.

"Brooke." I said shortly.


"I know." I said softly. We sat in silence, but it was a comfortable silence, not an awkward one. I spotted one of Alex's guitars laying against the wall and I crawled on all fours over to it. I leaned against the wall and plucked out the first few notes of Memories by Panic At The Disco. I looked at and made eye contact with Rian, who smiled at me.

"Dont stop." He urged me. I smiled and started to continue the song. When it ended he clapped, got up, walked over and sat down by me.

"Do you know our song Therapy?" I nodded. "Okay, if you play guitar, I'll play drums." I tapped a beat on the floor and grinned. This song ment so much to me. It held so many emotions and the words held so much meaning to them. I started to strum the slow notes and I strummed with his beat.

Thats the thing about a band. You have to stay with the drummers beat, and if you don't, its useless. You have to work together to keep the whole band running. If the drummer stops, the band will stop working and fail and fall apart completly. Right now, it felt like I could relate to the drummer and the band.

The boys were the drummer

I was the rest of the band


Therapy? No thanks. I stayed until it was time for my first therapy session, which was 11 A.M. If Jack and the guys took my home I would miss it, so they just decided to take me themselves instead. So, they took me to my first therapy session. We pulled up to the building. I took a deep breath and got out of the car, as did Jack and Alex.

"You don't have to stay." I said shakily. Truthfully, I did want them to stay because I was scared of being alone. I was terrified even though I had no reason to be.

"We want to. It's fine. Come on, we don't want to miss it." They led me inside and we went to the receptionist.

"Uh, hi, my name is Brooke Clifford and uh, im here for my appointment." I stuttered out. She smiled at me. Where were my boys? They were suppsed to meet us here.

"Your room is right down the hall, room 306. And you two young men are not allowed in, you can wait out here if you'd like." She turned back to her computer. I looked at them, pratically begging them with my eyes not to make me do this.

"You'll be fine. We'll be right out here with the boys when you come out. They'll be here, don't worry." Alex said as he pulled me into a tight hug. He let go and gave me a slight nudge to walk down the hallway. I walked down the hallway and found the door easily. I stood outside the door for about five minutes before I decided to make a move. I knocked and I heard a "Come in!" I opened the door and scanned the room. A chair, a couch, a window, a desk, a table, and a lady. She was quite tall and had black curly hair and glasses.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Marshell. Are you Brooke Clifford?" I nodded and shook her outstretched hand. "Please, sit down. And might I say you have incredible eyes. Very interesting." I mumbled a "thankyou" walked over and sat down on the couch as she shut the door. I felt very uncomfortable being alone with a person that I didn't know without the feeling of protection from my boys.

"So why don't you tell me a little bit about yourself Brooke? We can get to know each other a little better." She smiled.

"Um, what kind of things would you like to know?" I asked quietly, as my foot unwilling started tapping.

"Favorite hobbies, favorite food, favorite color, if you have any siblings. Stuff like that."

"Um, o-okay. My favorite hobbies are playing the guitar and drawing. My favorite food is pizza and my favorite color is blue. I have a brother, Michael, and I live with him." I said as I fumbled with my fingers. She wrote some stuff down on her clipboard and smiled at me.

"You live with your brother Michael?" I nodded. "Anyone else?" I knew she was talking about my parents. But I nodded. "And who would the other people be?" She asked me.

"Um, his bandmates, or technically my other three brothers." She looked confused and I sighed. "My parents died in a car crash so I moved here to live with Michael." She nodded. "I lived in Florida."

"Im very sorry about your parents." She gave me a sympathetic smile. "And that explains your accent!" She laughed. I smiled a little. She continued to ask me questions about myself. She asked me what my favorite book was and I replied with the Fault In Our Stars. Then, the dreaded question was asked.

"Brooke, whats your favorite part of that book?" I shrugged. "Would you read me one of your favorite parts?" I felt my stomach drop. Why? Didn't she know how to read? She reached over to the table and picked up a copy of The Fault In our Stars and proceeded to hand it to me. I swallowed hard and flipped to the part where Augustus and Hazel Grace are meeting. I looked up at her and she smiled to me. I started to read out loud and I got about a paragraph in when the words started getting confusing. I didn't read this book, Luke read it to me.

"Uh b-b wait no um thats a p wait, a d." It felt like all the letters were flip flopping and moving in different directions as I tried to read them. I couldn't focus on a single word. Tears came to my eyes as I failed to say the simple words out loud. I'd been having luke read to me, because my dyslexia has been getting worse. I shut the book and set it down. I brought my knees up to my chest and put my head in my hands.

"How do you feel?" Dr. Marshell asked clicking on her pen.

"How do you think I feel? I cant read my favorite book, my parents are dead, I hate my life, and im tired." I said as I tried to blink back my tears. She nodded and wrote some more down. What I really wanted to do was take that clipboard away from her and smash it over her head. "Okay Brooke, that was a good first session. I'll see you next week, same time." I nodded and ran out of the room as fast as I could. Once outside, I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. I turned and walked down the hall and into the waiting room, only to find that nobody I knew was there. I pulled out my phone and saw a text from Jack.

New Message: Guitar Slayer Jack
hey lil cookie. we had to go to sound check, but your brother and the boys should be there to pick you up:) i'll call you later for info on the concert:)

I scanned the room again. Maybe they were waiting outside? I walked out the front door and saw a strike of lightning shoot across the sky, followed by a huge clap of thunder. It was raining really hard so I stayed as close to the building as I could. I looked in the parking lot and saw only five cars, none of which were the boys. I pulled out my phone and called Michael. Voicemail. I tried each of the boys, but none of them picked up. A wave of sadness washed through me. Did they really forget about me? Paige was at work, so I wasn't going to call her. I went back inside and waited for about thirty minutes when I was hit with the sad realization that they weren't coming. I pulled out my phone and was about to dial EJ when it died. Great. I walked back inside.

"Excuse me, do you have a Ziplock bag?" I asked the receptionist. She nodded and handed me one. I put my phone in it and walked out the front door to walk home.

Maybe they were just at band pratice, and it ran a little late?

Maybe they got caught in traffic?

Maybe they had overslept?

Maybe they were at the wrong therapy place?

Then I realized something.

I need to stop making excuses of why they are never here.


Hey guys! Sorry this was a stupid update. I've been really busy with family issues, but thats not a good excuse. Thankyou if you've stayed with me this long, it means a lot. I'll update soon I promise:) xx - Kylee

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