Chapter 44

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"No Jack."


"Calum no."


"Sure lets just name our dog after a murder."

"IM TRYING BROOKE, DAMN! Buddy. Wait no. Ollie."

"Ollie.. That's cute. I like that one." We pulled into the vet parking lot and Cal parked the car. I was still holding the puppy to my chest and he occasionally bent up and licked my chin. We got out and walked into the little white building. Calum ran ahead a little so he could open the door for me. "Thankyou." I smiled to him as I walked inside. Jack was behind me when we walked up to the desk.

"Hi, uh, we found this puppy on the street and we fed it and gave it water. We wanted to make sure that he was healthy." Calum said. The nurse nodded. No one was here considering it was 6:00 P.M. so we got into the room right away. The vet checked to make sure he was healthy, which he was. He was way to skinny though, but I bet we could fix that very easily considering I live with four boys.

"Okay, everything seems to be correct with him. Just incase you are wondering he's a German Shepard, but im assuming you knew that already. Whats his name anyways?" The vet asked smiling at us as she washed her hands.

"Ollie." She smiled.

"That's cute. Okay, I'll see you guys next time. You can go right through that door to the counter to pay." We watched her walk out and as soon as she shut the door, Calum put his face in his hands.

"So, are we going to keep him or no?" I asked Calum. He lifted his head out of his hands and Jack picked up Ollie. I followed him as he walked out to the counter and put a bag of dog food and a little camo collar I gave him to pay for too. Jack held Ollie and we walked out to the car to drive home. He called Ashton to tell him that we were just going to go home. Ash said they were just going to come home too. I sighed.

"Im sorry. I completely ruined this entire dinner thingy." I sighed again. Jack turned around and looked at me.

"No you didn't. You made it better im my point of view. No one's mad at you for helping a homeless puppy on the street." Jack said as he grabbed my hand. I shrugged and he squeezed my hand.

"Yeah, I love Ollie already. I've always wanted a dog." Calum said excitedly. We got home and everyone else was already there. I took Ollie from Jack and put him on the ground so he could go to the bathroom. Once he was done, I picked him up and walked in the front door. They were going to be so mad at me. I knew they were. I walked quietly up to my room, avoiding everyone in the livingroom. I got to my room and shut the door behind me. I hesitantly put Ollie on my bed because I didnt want to let go of him. He still had his puppy fur so he was really soft and poofy and fluffy. He was brown with little black speckels all over him that were adorable. He had big ears that stuck up, but one of them was floppy and bent halfway in the middle. I took off my shoes and my dress and put on a t shirt and athletic shorts and layed on my bed. Ollie jumped on my chest and barked and ran in circles and flopped his tail back and forth. I giggled and pushed him slightly as he stuck his butt up in the air and wiggled it as he jumped on my hand. I went to the bathroom and he followed me, nipping at my heels.

"No Ollie. No. You dont bite." I scolded him as he looked up at me with his big brown eyes that reminded me of Calums. I set him down and took of my makeup and put on my glasses because I had a headache. They were mostly for reading but when I had a headache, I put them on. I opened me door to walk downstairs. Ollie ran along side of me, not leaving the side of my feet. I got to the bottom of the stairs and went into the livingroom with Ollie. Calum immediately jumped up off the couch and ran over to Ollie. Ollie jumped infront of me and growled and barked at Calum, who looked startled considering he held him earlier. I scooped up Ollie and scolded him again. I sat down on the floor and set Ollie down, who ran to Calum this time because he had a little ball. I stood up and went over and sat by Mikey.

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