Chapter 42

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*Okay, in this chapter there is Brooke's brother Jack and ATL Jack. I'll put them differently.
Brother jack : Jåck
Band jack : Jack
Get it got it love it good*


The feeling you get when the person who has been holding you together finally comes home to you. How do you describe it?




No. It was so much more than that. It was an indescrible feeling. I had waited for him to come home, safe and sound. I could finally breathe with ease again.


We were all sitting downstairs on the couch when the All Time Low boys ran through the front door. "BROOKIE COOKIE! I AM HERE FOR YOU!" Zach screamed as he ran into to the living room and layed across me, Jåck, and Calums laps. "We would've come over a couple days ago but we had some business to take care of. We have extended the trip so we can hang out but we have to leave tomorrow."

"HEY! ONLY I CAN CALL HER BROOKIE COOKIE!" Calum shouted from beside me on the couch.

"BROOKIECOOKIEBROOKIECOOKE!" Zach chanted, just to provoke Calum.

"NO STOP YOU FUCKTARDS! SHE'S MY COOKIE!" Alex screamed and ran in pulling Zach onto the floor. Jåck - who was sitting on my left - smiled and laughed as Zach gripped onto me to try to stop himself from falling off the couch as Alex pulled harder. I pushed Zach onto the floor and he turned away from me and pouted.

"Hey don't swear in front of the ladies." Rian said as he came into the room with Jack on his back. "Please get off you're heavy." Jack jumped off and onto Alex and Zach who were wrestling on the floor.

"Please for the love of God, don't break anything." Paige laughed. She was cuddled into Lukes side, who had his arm around her protectively. He took his arm from around her and twisted so he was laying halfway on top of her then snuggled his head under her chin. She reached up and played with the hair on the back of his neck and kissed his head. I smiled because I was so happy Luke has found her. She made sure he didn't eat just cereal, always cuddled him, played with his hair, told him good things about himself, and tried to make sure he was never sad. I hope that they get married one day, I really do. He reached up and took one of her springy reddish-brown curl in his finger and pulled it. Her curls were natural and tight and Luke loved to bounce and play them.

I looked up at Calum - who was sitting on my right -  who was eating a bowl of cereal. He never stops eating. Ever. He took a big spoonful into his mouth and down over at me. We made eye contact and he winked at me, taking another bite of cereal. He quickly finished his bowl and set it on the coffee table. Calum curled on into a little ball and layed his head on my leg to use as a pillow. Jack smiled and put an arm around my shoulder and I leaned into him, careful not to move my leg that Calum was using. I smiled and let out a happy sigh.

I studied Ash who sat on the floor infront of Paige and Luke, who was a big grin on his face as Alex and Zach wrestled, his dimples popping out. He screamed at Luke - who has said some kind of swear - which was funny to me. Ash always tells the boys not to swear, but he swears in every other sentance. It was very amusing to me. Ash looked at Calum and Calum flipped him off. I smacked the back of his head lightly, he already knew what I was going to say. "Sorry!" I yelled over dramatically. Ash let out a loud laugh and flipped him off. Ash quickly looked at me to make sure that I hadn't seen, but I had. I raised my eyebrows at him and he smiled and raised both of his hands in defense.

I turned my head lightly to look at Michael who was already looking at me. He was sitting on the floor as well. We held eye contact for what seemed like a long time before I dazed off lazily, not focusing or noticing what I was staring at. I snapped back to reality and noticed everyone was staring at me. "What?" A smile broke out on my face and everyone broke into laughter. "What, why is everyone laughing?" They laughed even harder and my face turned red in embarresment, realising why they were laughing. I was staring at Alex, who was sprawled out on the floor like a starfish. More specifically, his crotch. I didn't even realise what I was staring at when I dozed off and my face turned even redder. I turned my head into Jåcks stomach and laughed off the embarresement. The doorbell rung and everyone got quiet.

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