Chapter 36

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I stood there in shock.

What are Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat doing in my kitchen?

"HI GIRL STANDING IN THE LIVING ROOM LOOKING QUITE SCARED!" Alex yelled as Jack went to the fridge. I stood there with my eyes wide staring at them. My heart pounded in my chest, and it wasn't from being scared. Okay well yeah part of it was because I thought someone was breaking into my house. My idols were in my house.

"Hey do you want something to eat? Looks like you have Eggos. Want one of those?" Jack asked. I was speechless as they both took off their shoes. Did they do that often? Just walk into someone else's house and offer to make them food? Alex sat down at the kitchen stools and Jack started to toast some Eggos.

"Why are you in my house?" I chocked out. I knew that the boys knew them, but I didn't know they were good enough friends to just walk into each others houses.

"Wait, this is where the 5sos boys live right?!" Alex asked. Before I could respond Jack started to yelled at him.

"DAMNIT I TOLD YOU WE HAD THE WRONG HOUSE!" Jack said throwing a spoon at him. Alex picked up the spoon and smacked him with it on his head.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT COME HERE!" Jack yelled runnung after him and smacked him with another spoon.

"No they live here." I said quietly as I walked to the kitchen. "They're at a party. Im Michaels sister. Uh, hi?" HOLY SHIT. PART OF ALL TIME LOW IS IN MY HOUSE.

"ARE YOU BROOKIE COOKIE?!" Jack asked, yelling to me. I laughed and nodded. How did they know my nickname was Brookie Cookie? "HELLO BROOKIE COOKIE WOULD YOU LIKE AN EGGO AND A BEER wait no not a beer you're like 15 WANT SOME WATER?!" I nodded my head and walked over to the cabinet and got a glass of water. Alex pulled out his phone and started talking to it.

"Hello! We are in the 5sos house but the 5sos boys aren't here but, B-sizzle is! Say hi!" He turned the camera to me.

"Uh, hi?" I laughed at B-sizzle. He didn't take the camera away from me so I just stood there as a smile slowly grew on my face.

"AND IM MAKING EGGOS!" Jack screamed from behind me. "AND EATING THEIR FOOD! AND DRINKING THEIR BEER!" I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"So yeah. We'll talk to you guy later bye bye!" He said and pulled his phone down. I stood there as Jack got out a plate and Alex played on his phone.

"Here you are little lady." Jack said as he put a plate down infront of me with like, four Eggo waffles on it. I sat down next to Alex and he looked at me and smiled.

"So how do they taste?" I shrugged and nibbled on my waffle. "What does that mean?" He laughed. Oh my god, that was the laugh of an angel.

"I guess im just shocked that my idols would show up in my kitchen. I've been trying for so long to get tickets to y'all." I dont even know why my walls broke and I talked to them. Im quite proud of myself to be honest. They were on tour in Australia and I've been begging the boys to let me go. I even offered to buy the tickets myself.

"Y'all? I think your southern just shined through." Jack laughed as he ate on of my Eggos. The boys laugh at me everytime I sound southern, which is quite frequently. "Luke posted a video on Instgram and it was titled Brookie Cookie. You were being thrown into a pool because you called Calum asian. Were you mad? Did you kick his ass?" Alex slid his phone infront of me to show me the video. Luke had started recording when Michael called him the asian cucumber right up until Ashton said "Oooo you're in deep shit now."

"Thats my favorite part when Ashton tells Calum he's in deep shit!" Jack laughed. "Hey can we watch a movie?" He asked looking at me. I nodded and walked behind them to the living room. "Hey when do you think the boys will be back." I shrugged. I didn't know and considering none of them answered their phones earlier. If they were really honestly worried, they would've called back when they saw that I called. Or, they were drunk of their asses, which was most likely the reason. Jack pulled out transformers and we all found somewhere to lay down.

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