Chapter 27

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I waited and I waited and I waited and I waited. "Exscuse me? Do you know when Kaitlyn will be awake? Or when I could go in?" I awkwardly asked the nurse.

"I can go check if you would like me to?" I nodded eagerly. She stood up and walked down the back hall. I waited at the desk until she came back. "Looks like she just got back o her room. She is still asleep, but I can sneak you in if you would like." She smiled sneakily.

"Yes! Please. That would be-Thankyou." I sighed happily. She told me which room she was in and I walked quickly, trying not to get in anyones way. I ran into a doctor so I apologized and quickly ran to her room. I raised my hand to knock but decided against it. I walked in, shutting the door behind me. I quietly walked over and took a seat beside her bed. She groaned and rolled her head over to her other shoulder, facing me. She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"I told you I would be here when you woke up." I said softly. "How are you feeling?" She shrugged.

"Well, ya know, they did just put my ankle back into place." She laughed quietly. The doctor walked in with a nurse.

"Hello, Im Dr. Brenna and this is nurse Chloe. So do you have a legal guard-" Just then an older boy ran in.

"I got here as fast as I could Im sorry Kaitlyn are you okay?" He rushed out, out of breath. Im guessing this was her older brother.

"Grant, im fine. This is my friend Brooke. She helped me get here." I stood up.

"Thank you. So much." He gave me quick a hug and let go.

"You can sit there. I'll stand, its fine." I said quietly to Grant. He thanked me and sat down, grabbing Kaitlyns hand. I walked over to the other side od the bed to stand by her.

"So, Grant, you are her legal guardian." The doctor asked him.

"Yes Mam." He responded politely.

" Okay. Kaitlyn, we are going to put the cast on your leg now. What color would you like?" Kaitlyn looked at me.

"What color do you think Brooke? White or blue?" I replied with blue.

"Blue please." The nurse nodded and started on the cast.

"Kait, what happened?" Asked her brother. Kaitlyn went into full detail about the whole story.

"Brooke, thankyou, again." Grant said. "I dont know what would've happened if you hadn't helped her. Im going to go fill out the paperwork. I'll be back soon." He got up and left the room. I ran over and sat in his chair and Kaitlyn and the nurse laughed at me.

"It sucks that I didn't get to see the end of the concert though." She sighed sadly as she watched the nurse wrap her foot.

"Kaitlyn?" I said looking atlpl her. She turned her head to look at me with her big green eyes. She scooched over to the other side of the bed away from me and patted the space next to her. I kicked off my shoes and climbed on next to her, trying not to move the bed too much because the nurse was working on the cast.

She laid her head back on the bed -I did the same- and we turned our head towards each other. "Yeah?"

"What did you think I was going to walk to the hotel? Somebody has to pick me up." I laughed slightly.

"Where do you live? I live in Sydney. Grant dropped me off and went to eat then was going to come to pick me up but, I broke my ankle." She explained to me.

"I live in Sydney too." I said shortly. My phone started buzzing in my back pocket. I pulled it out. Michael was calling me. I swiped the asnwer button.

"Hello?" I asked. I put it on speaker so Kaitlyn could hear him too.

"Hey baby girl are you okay? Paige told me you are in the emergency room what happened?!" He was freaking out.

"Mikey. Calm down. Im here with my friend Kaitlyn." I paused and looked at her. She said a hello into the phone and he hello'd back. I could tell that she was freaking out a little bit. " She's the one I helped out of the crowd? She broke her ankle so we brought her to the emergency room and I stayed with her."

"Okay. You're not hurt. Thank god. Is Kaitlyn okay? Are they giving her a cast?" He asked a lot of questions at once.

"Yeah, I think shes doing okay now." I grinned at her and she grinned back. "They're putting her cast on right now. Its blue."

"OH MY GOD I WANNA SIGN HER CAST FIRST!" Ashton yelled in the background.

"NO! I WANNA SIGN IT FIRST I CALL DIBS!" Calum yelled at him. Kaitlyn and I started laughing really hard due to the fact they were on loud speaker. The nurse doing Kaitlyns cast even laughed a little bit.

"NO! YOU CANT I ALRE- OW! DONT HIT ME! MICHAEL, CALUM HIT ME!" Ashton whined, still yelling, to Michael.

"SHUT UP AND GET IN THE CAR! ILL BE THERE IN A SECOND! LUKE TAKE THEM TO THE CAR!" I heard a door slam, then it was just Michael.

"Okay. We're coming down to the emergency room. Kaitlyn whats your last name?" He asked her. I held the phone closer to her so he could hear her better.

"Woods. Kaitlyn Woods." She said.

"Okay. I just have one more question for you. Can I sign your cast first?" He asked hopefully.

"Yeah sure! You'll probably have to fight Calum and Ashton for it though." She laughed. He laughed with her.

"Okay. We'll be there in 20 minutes." We exchanged "byes" and hung up. I put my phone on the bed beside me and Kaitlyn grabbed her face, hyperventilating.

"Oh my god! Im going to meet my idols! The loves of my life! This is actually happening! Im going to meet them oh my god im going to cry!" She fangirled. It was quite entertaining to be honest.

"What girl are you?"

"MICHAEL." She said still breathing hard.

"Okay please calm down because im scared you'll, like, hurt yourself or something. Is that how you broke your ankle?" I asked her laughing.

She slowed her breathing and smiled at me. "Okay, im good. And no. This girl stepped on my ankle, and I was pushed to the right and I felt my ankle pop. I tried to get to the front but people didn't know I was hurt, so they didn't let me through. When we made eye contact and ran over, I knew that yoh would help me. So, thankyou, again."

"Yeah." There was a pause. "Im sorry. Im just really not good at accepting compliments." I said, trying not to get angry with myself.

"We'll work on it." She laughed at me.

"Okay. Its done. Im going to go find the paper of do's and dont's. I'll be right back." The nurse smiled sweetly at the end of the bed and left the room, quietly shutting the door.

"Dude, I am so tired though." I said closing my eyes.

"You can go to sleep. I am going to rest until they get here I think. You can too." She said tiredly. It was eight at night, so im sure she was tired. With her ankle, and the concert, and driving here for the concert this morning. I snuggled back into the bed, pulled my sweatshirt tighter, knowing the boys would wake us both up when they got here. I know it was dumb of us to try to sleep when the boys would be here in twenty minutes, but I really didn't care. Due to the lack of sleep I have had over the past couple days, I felt a little nap was appropriate. I shut my eyes, and fell asleep in no time.


gUYS. ALBUM IN TWO DAYS FOR AUSSIE!!!!! to bad i live in america tho. thankgod for youtube aye

THANKS TO EVERYONE WHO IS READING THIS. I'll update soon.  I LOVE YOU LOST LIKE JELLY TOTS (ten points if you know what michael fanfic thats from)

And Brenna and Chloe, if your reading this aye wassup

-Kylee :)

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