Chapter 7

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I walked home quickly because I was raining pretty hard and I didn't want to get my phone wet, shoving it deep in my purse. I slowed down my pace as I came to the road we lived on, I didn't want to talk to them yet. I felt my bag vibrate as they tried to call me. I just ignored them. I wanted them to feel guilty. I wanted them to be upset. I wanted them to feel like shit.

This time it took me just under an hour to get home because of how slow I was walking. I was soaked and shivering but I still didnt want to talk to them. Why would I? They left me at home, making my abandonment wound ache in my cheer. I walked up the driveway and saw the curtains to the living room were open. I looked inside and I saw the boys sitting in the kitchen talking.

Did I really want to go inside? No. Was I going to? Hell no. I walked up the the rest of the way to the house and sat on the front porch steps. I took my purse off my shoulder and set it on the ground next to me. I took off my jacket as well and threw it on the chair. I was cold but who cared? It seemed like nobody did. EJ liked my being around him, though. It made me smile at the prospect of a new friendship, maybe more.

I sat there for a few minutes before I heard the door open. I didn't turn around. I heard someone sit down next to me and out of the corner of my eye I saw it was Calum. "Brooke. Look at me." He said.

I turned to look at him. His eyes were slitted and full of annoyance.

"Ashton told us what you said. We didn't leave you behind. We thought that you went upstairs to rest and we thought that we could make it back from the store before you woke up. When we got back you weren't there and Michael freaked out. You can't do that. Michael has to know where you are." He chastised .

"Okay, but you didn't make it back. I went to the bathroom, came back down and you were all sneaking out to the car. I thought you all just left me behind. I thought you forgot. Do you see why I thought that? Why I might be more sensitive to something like that than other people?" I questioned, my voice high. He nodded.

"We would never leave you. You should know that." He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side.

"People break promises, Cal." I said. "They don't mean to, but they do."

"You should have seem Michael." He continued. "He was screaming at us and when you ignored his call he freaked out even more. He basically had a panic attack and when you told Ashton you were okay he calmed down a little bit, but not much. He's inside and nobody knows that you're home yet. I didn't tell him." I relaxed as I leaned into his side.

"Thanks, Cal." I whispered.

"Anytime, BB." he laughed hugging back. Over the past couple weeks he had this ridiculous nickname BB for me. I told him I hate it but secretly I loved it. He knows it.

I got up and walked inside and Cali followed. I don't know when I started calling Calum Cal, but I like the nickname, he did too, so that's what I called him. I found Mikey in the kitchen and when he heard me he turned around and walked over to me. He bent down and wrapped his arms around my back to hug me and stood up. My feet were dangling. The realization of what I'd done washed over me, guilt came next.

I felt bad because he was in a panic, worrying about me when I was taking my sweet time. He even tried to call me and I ignored them because I was selfish.

"I thought you left. For good." He whispered as he squeezed me tighter.

"Mikey, why would I leave you? You are all that I have left. I would never leave you, no matter how mad you made me." I laughed. "Plus, where would I stay?" He put me back at the ground and looked at me.

"Thanks, B." He smiled. The other boys walked in.

"Where did you go?" Asked Luke as he leaned againt the counter.

"I went to this bookstore and this... Clerk helped me pick out some better books to read." I said quickly, knowing it didn't come out as nonchalantly as I wanted.

"Why do you sound suspicious... Clerk?" Screamed Ash. "Boy? A boy?" I stared at him, and felt my face grow warm.

"No," I said defensively, "His grandma owns the bookstore and he helps out and keeps her and her cat company." I said looking at Ash like he was crazy to try to cover up the fact I was blushing.


"Yeah dummy." I said loudly. Ash just stared at me.

"Okay, that's it!." Ash screamed running after me laughing. I ran behind Luke so he would protect me.

"Don't touch my baby!" Luke yelled at Ash spreading his arms out so he couldn't get to me. I grinned and stuck my tounge out at Ash.

"Me too! I'm Luke's baby!" Cal whine crossing him arms. His face lit up and he ran out of the room. A couple seconds later he ran back in with a Nerf gun in each hand. We all threw our hands up to shield our faces.

"Beg for mercy, assholes!" He yelled as he shot us all. Mikey fell to the floor pretending to be dead and Ashton opened the fridge door and tried to climb into the fridge despit the fact he was 6 feet tall. He yelled a high pitched scream when he couldn't fit and Cal started to shoot him. Luke turned around and held me infront of him using me as a human shield as Cal focoused the guns on him.

"I am not a shield, Luke!" I screamed. Calum tried to shoot the guns again but both were out of bullets. He ran into the other room and Luke dropped me. I ran into the other room and to chase after him and his Nerf guns were sitting in the ground and his shirt and pants were laying on the couch.

"Calum! Come here and put your clothes on right now, young man!" I jokingly yelled, using a "mother voice". How did he even get his clothes off that fast?

I looked outside in the dark and he was sitting on the orange tube in the swimming pool grinning.

"No!" He yelled to me sassily.

The other boys came into the room and when they saw that Calum had taken his clothes off, Mikey yelled, "Calum put your pants on! Brooke doesn't want to see you naked!"

"Well...." I trailed off. He gave me a disgusted look. "I'm kidding!" I yelled. I wasn't kidding. I ran outside and did a cannon ball into the pool right next to Calum. The other boys left their clothes on too and ran out, jumped in too laughing and yelling.

In my time here I've learned a few things. One of them is no matter how hard I try, I can't stay mad at the boys for very long.

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