Chapter 32

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*Ashtons POV*

She thought that everybody was asleep. That it was safe to let go. But I was awake, and both of our doors were open. She sobbed into her pillow. I literally felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. I stood up and walked across the hall and stood in her doorway.

"Baby, you okay?" I asked quietly, already knowing what her answer would be.

"No." She sobbed. And that was my que. I walked over and got under the covers next to her. I was cold considering I just had my boxers on.

She was practically laying on top of me when she finally spoke.

"Ashton.... Are you.... Are you mad at me?" She whimpered.

"Why would I be mad at you baby? "

"Everyone thinks I hit Ashley. I didn't do it Ashton please you have to believe me I didn't do it." She sobbed into my chest. I held her tightly so that she would feel safe and secure. I know thats really hard for her right now, but I had to try my best. I was just happy that she  was talking to me and letting me touch her at all. She needed at least one person in this house that she could count on, and clearly, none of the other boys was that person at the moment.

"I know. But right now, I need you to cuddle in close and try to sleep, okay?" She nodded and put her head in the crook of my neck.

"Ash?" She whispered.

"Yeah baby girl?"

"I love you." I smiled in the dark and kissed her head.

"I love you too baby girl. Sleep now, okay?" She nodded. I felt her take a deep breath and relax into me. It was nice to know that she trusted me enough to talk to me and sleep with me. Michael was being a complete douche to her at the moment and I don't know why but it pissed me off. I fell asleep with Brooke cuddled into me.

*Brookes POV*

I woke up to Ashton gone. I actually slept last night and for a long ass time too. I got up and showered and went back to lay in bed. I just stayed in my room. I didn't want to go downstairs where the boys were. I knew for a fact they would bring up what happened last night. So, I just stayed in my room. EJ got sick last night so he couldn't come over today. Wow. I need more friends. I dont actually have and girl friends besided Kaitlyn, and she doesn't live that close to me. It was about one in the afternoon when I heard a knock at my door. It opened, and there stood Ashley. I got up off my bed and crossed my arms and looked at her. She walked in and shut the door behind her. If she pulled another stunt like last night, she would have a lot more than just a slap to the face, and it wouldn't be put there by her.

"Well hey there ms-stay-in-my-room-all-day. How you feeling?" I didnt even know that she was here. When I didn't reply, she walked over and punched my stomach, right where my stitches were. I bent over in pain and she kicked my sideways into my bedside table. The corner dug into my back and I fell to the floor.

"Oops." She said innocently before opening and shutting the door to go back downstairs. I laid on the floor groaning in pain as a tear left my eye. Why? Why did Michael choose her? Why did she have to hurt me like this? What did I even do to her? I stood up off the floor and slowly walked to my door. I went downstairs and into the kitchen where Luke was.

"Brookie you okay?" I nodded wiping the tears off my cheeks. I got a small bowl of cerel. I was starving because last night I didnt actually eat anything, due to Ashley being a stupid ass liar. "You dont look okay." I shrugged. I set down my bowl on the counter and held one hand on my stomach and the other was gripping the counter so I didn't fall over in pain.

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