Chapter 3

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I walked back up to my room from exploring the house. I found out there was a pool out back and a music room too. That was awesome, I loved music. I checked the clock again. Only 5 A.M. Damn. The timezones were crazy. It was morning here but where I used to live, I would be going to bed in a couple hours. I had already put away some of my clothes in my dresser and put a picture of my parents on my dresser. I gathered up my bathroom supplies, went to the bathroom and put it all away in the cabinets. I opened the closet, pulled out a towel and got into the shower.

I winced as the hot water touched my stitches, but quickly got used to it. I don't know how long I stayed in there but it was long enough my hair started to dry. I got out and wrapped the towel around me. I pulled out a pair of sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and underwear. I studied myself in the mirror. I knew I would have a scar from the stitches in my side. I had muscular legs due to the fact I played soccer... Football? My brown wavy hair went down to just below my breasts. I was still uncomfortable with the fact that my breasts were large enough that I needed to wear undergarments consistently. I felt a little out of place compared to other fourteen year olds. I made eye contact with myself in the mirror. My face looked a little too long, lips too thin. I stared at my eyes, my favorite feature. My left eye was brown and my right one was a dull blue. Heterochromia. I quite liked this about myself, I found it made me feel pretty, as it was a unique feature.

I put my clothes on and walked back out to my room. 6 A.M. No one would be awake yet. I felt drowsy. I laid down and fell asleep quickly knowing the boys would wake me up later.


"B, you should wake up." I felt someone shake my shoulder. I opened my eyes and there on my bed sat Mikey. I picked up my phone. Noon.

"I wanna sleep." I whined. "Give me more than like, a day to adjust to the time." I was annoyed that he was waking me up already.

"I know Brooke. You have to get used to the timezones though, and the quicker, the better." He said standing up. "So get up." I swung my legs over the edge of my bed. "There." I huffed, rubbing my eyes.

"The boys are up. They wanna meet you." He said excitedly. Nerves erupted in my stomach. I had completly forgot about the fact I was living with three other boys who I had never met. I looked at what I was wearing.  Sweats. Sweatshirt. If they are going to live with me, they are going to know the lazy me. "Ready?" Mikey grinned. I nodded. He opened my bedroom door and as he turned around I jumped on his back. "Carry me!" I laughed.

He ran down the stairs, both of us laughing like idiots. As he reached the last one at the bottom, he tripped. I felt a tearing rip in my side. I clutched my side and let out a scream. I lifted my hand up. Blood, and lots of it.

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