Chapter 46

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I went downstairs the next day, dressed in my usual jeans and oversized sweater that I had stolen from one of the boys. This time it was Ashtons red sweater. It was about noon so I went into the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal then went into the living room with Ollie trailing my feet and sat down by Luke.

"Hey Cookie." He smiled at me. I set my spoon in my bowl and waved at him, due to the fact my mouth was full of cereal. He took my spoon and took a bite of my cereal. I took my spoon back and took a bite, then Luke took it back. We continued to share my cereal until there was none left. "Im still hungry." He whined.

"Then go make something to eat and stop whining." I huffed. He furrowed his eyebrows then smiled. "Sorry." I closed my eyes and brought my knees up to my chest.

"Want me to get you some Midol?" I nodded, opening my eyes to look at him. He got up and brought back two pills and a glass of water. I swallowed them and put the glass on the table and look at Luke. He covered my right eye with his hand.

"Brown." He switched his hand to my other eye. "Blue." I put his hand back over my right eye. "Brown." Back to my left. "Blue." I couldn't help but laugh a little. Calum and Mikey came running down the stairs, both at full speed. Mikey hit the bottom step first and screamed at Calum. Ollie jumped off my lap to see what the commotion was about.

"YES! HAHA! I WON IN YOUR FACE KIWI!" Michael shouted, pointing a finger in his face.

"NO! THAT'S NOT FAIR! YOU CHEATED!" Calum yelled back.


"YES YOU DID CHEAT AND I WOULD'VE WON BUT YOU PUSHED ME!" Ashton came running down the stairs and came intot he livingroom, telling them to shut up and quit yelling. He sat on the loveseat and looked at us.

"Nice sweater Brooke. I see you've been shopping in my closet. Again." I shrugged and smiled. I curled down at the end in the couch away from Luke, wrapping my arms around my stomach. Luke got up and went upstiars and was replaced by Ashton who sat by my feet.

"Brookie?" Ash asked. I ignored him.

"Brookie?" He poked my leg. "Brooke." He sang as he continued to poke my leg.

"Ashton stop it!" I snapped at him.

"Just talk to me." I shuffled away from him. "Brooke whats wrong?" Um, my vagina is painfully bleeding. How am I not dead yet? Girls bleed for seven days straight and don't die yeah try and fuck with us now buddy. All that it takes for guys is one shot in the balls and they're down on the floor crying.

"Nothing." I said quietly. I ignored him as he continued to bother. I felt tears spring in my eyes. "Ashton stop you're pissing me off." A tear fell down my face and I quickly wiped it away.

"Wait Brookie why are you crying? Please don't cry. Uh, uh, do you want some juice? Wait!" He got off the couch and called Ollie, who had ran to the kitchen to get some breakfast from Calum. He came running back in, holding Ollie awkwardly in his arms. He set him down on my chest and he immediately started to lick my face. He curled into a little pizza in my side and I continued to pet him. I nudged Ash with my foot and he looked over at me.

"Sorry." I mumbled. "I just don't feel very good today." He smiled and started to rub my feet.

"That's okay Cookie. I understand." I closed my eyes and continued to pet Ollie as Ash rubbed my feet. Calum and Luke came out of the kitchen, both with big bowls of cereal. I grabbed Luke's leg as he walked by.

"I should get at least half of that considering you ate almost all of mine." He pouted and shook his head and turned to Ash.

"You took my spot. I was there first." He whined.

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