Chapter 11

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"Brooke, wake up. Time to go to the airport." I groaned.

"Okay. I'll be down in a second." He touched my head and walked out. I turned on my lamp and went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, put on a pair of new sweatpants and a t-shirt and walked downstairs. All the boys looked exhausted. It was 4 A.M. and our plane left at 6. All the boys including me had one suitcase and a backpack. I put on my tennis shoes and we all walked to the car, put out things in the trunk, and got in. Ashton drove while Mikey sat in the passengers seat. I sat in the middle seat leaned against Luke. I looked over at Calum and he gave me a sad smile.

Fifteen minutes later we got to the airport. The boys were really worried about the fans knowing where they were going to be when we landed in Florida. For precaution, they had three security guards fly to Florida last night to be there when we landed and we were going to have one fly with us. There wasn't going to be that many girls, hopefully, because they didn't know where we were landing.

Ashton parked the car, the boys put their hoods up, and we walked into the airport. Once inside, we got through security and put our suitcases in the baggage dropoff. There was about half an hour till the plane took off. We went in the Starbucks for the boys to get drinks and I took a seat without ordering anything, I didn't feel like eating or drinking. I was about to put my phone away when it started to vibrate. I looked at the screen.

Incoming Call: King EJ

"Hey." I answered smiling.

"Hey. At the airport yet?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah. We board the plane in about half an hour. Why are you even up? Its like 5:30." I let out a breath of a laugh.

"I wanted to call you to make sure you were holding up okay. I just wanted to tell you that you can call me anytime, no matter the time difference and that I'll always be here for you. I know that these next couple of days are going to be really tough for you but I'll always be here for you." I felt my eyes water. I got up and walked away from the store, ignoring the boys watching me.

"EJ. You're making me cry. I know you will always be here and I know that I can count on you. I might act a little distant during the trip, just know you make me feel better. Even if I don't answer I like seeing your messages and pictures of you and Peaches." I give a wobbly laugh, blinking up at the ceiling to make my eyes dry..

"I'll keep texting then." He said.

"Go back to sleep. You didn't need to wake up for this." I laughed.

"I wanted to. How much longer until you board?" He asked.

"Like," I pulled my phone away to look at the clock, "15 minutes." I looked up and saw Mikey walking over to me.

"Hey, are you good?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm talking to EJ. I'll be over there in a second." He nodded and walked back over to the boys. We talked for about 5 more minutes and they called our gate for boarding. "They just called our plane. I'll text you or something when I land?"

"Okay. Stay safe for me." He said.

"I will, bye."

"Bye babe." My stomach erupted with excitement when he called me babe and I hung up as I walked over to the boys. We walked over to the boarding place, gave the woman our passports, and walked down down the hall and into the airplane. We found our seats in the back of the plane. There was three seats to a row so we decided Calum would take the window, I would take the middle, and Ash would take the outside seat. Luke and Mikey sat infront of us.

"Michael Clifford. Look at me right now. You will not touch or hit or make fun of that boy," I joked, pointed to Luke, " Or there will be serious consequences. Do you understand me? I will come up there if I have to." Mikey rolled his eyes and smiled at me, turning around in his seat. I sat back in my seat.

"Hey Ash?"

"Yeah?" he replied.

"How long is this flight?"

"About 20 hours." He replied with a sigh. I nodded and leaned onto Cal. The plane took off. Over the 20 hours that we were on the plane, I slept, listnend to music, played dumb little games with the boys, and thought about a lot of things. I though about they boys and how famous they were getting. I thought about EJ. I thought about my parents. I thought about what I would do without these boys.

I only had to yell at Mikey once because he pushed Luke into the window when Luke stole his drink from the flight attendant


The plane landed. Finally. We were the last ones off the plane. When we walked out onto the little hall that connects us to the plane and the airport, the security guards surrounding us when we walked through the gate. "Guys. It's crazy out there. There is probably over 500 people here. We already got all of your bags but the airport security is useless." One of the guards said.

"What?! Why are they here?" Luke freaked out a little. All of the boys looked really worried and I felt my stomach drop in fear. If there was one this I did know, its that these girls would stop at nothing to meet these boys. They all huddled in a circle with the security guards cutting me out. 

I caught a couple snippets including "Guys, what about Brooke?"

"They'll grab her if they can."

"There's over 500? Damn."

"Brookie is claustrophobic guys."

"Just take us to the car then come back for her."

"That's the dumbest fucking idea I've ever heard."

"Guys, we have to go out there, the longer we wait, the worse it'll be."

"Keep Brookie safe. It's okay if we get touched and pulled, don't let them touch her though."

I walked over to them and touched Mikeys hand. He looked at me worridly but tried to play it off. Ome of the security guards told us the plan. "Okay, Brooke, I need you to listen to me carefully. This is what we're going to do. One of our guards is going to go first, then Luke, another guard, then Calum, Ashton, guard, Mikey, then the last guard." One of the security guards smiled at me. I tried to smiled back. "Michael, you are going to walk behind her and I will be behind you. Everyone got it?" We all nodded.

"Brookie, put on the backpack to hide you a little more." Said Calum taking the backpack from Mikey.

"Guys. These are your fans. Can't you let up a little bit? I mean, dont you want to meet them? And why are you acting like they are trying to kill us or something?!" I was getting annoyed. I just wanted to be back home at our house. I didn't want to deal with the funeral. I was just tired.

"Of course we want to meet them. Are you understanding how many people are out there? More than 500 and probably half of them will disrespect boundaries to get to us, even if that means hurting other you to do it." he said to me.

"Oh." I replied quietly.

"Guys are we ready?" Calum asked, amping himself up. Mikey tightened the backpack straps on me, pulling them too tight.

"Actually, is it okay if B goes on my back? I would just feel safer that way, she can't get grabbed." Calum explained, a rare serious expression on his face.

"Sure, whatever makes you feel better." Ash said slapping him on his back.

The boys pulled their hoods up and so did I. I jumped on Calums back and wrapped my legs around his stomach tightly and my arms around his neck. He gripped my thighs tightly. "Calum. Whatever you do, don't let go of her. No matter how hard they are pulling. Don't. Let. Go." Mikey said sternly. Calum nodded. We got in the order and I was scared. I didn't know what to expect. I tucked my head into Cals neck, his smell immediately comforting.

"You're okay. Just breathe. I got you." He told me. I was patted on the back by the security guard behind me.

"Just stay calm. You'll be okay." The guard said. The guard in the front opened the door. I was greeted by a crowd of ear splitting screams. I clung onto Cal as we started towards the mob of screaming people.

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